Drug addiction: updating actions to habits to compulsions ten years on

BJ Everitt, TW Robbins - Annual review of psychology, 2016 - annualreviews.org
A decade ago, we hypothesized that drug addiction can be viewed as a transition from
voluntary, recreational drug use to compulsive drug-seeking habits, neurally underpinned by …

The dopamine theory of addiction: 40 years of highs and lows

DJ Nutt, A Lingford-Hughes, D Erritzoe… - Nature Reviews …, 2015 - nature.com
For several decades, addiction has come to be viewed as a disorder of the dopamine
neurotransmitter system; however, this view has not led to new treatments. In this Opinion …

Impulsivity, compulsivity, and top-down cognitive control

JW Dalley, BJ Everitt, TW Robbins - Neuron, 2011 - cell.com
Impulsivity is the tendency to act prematurely without foresight. Behavioral and
neurobiological analysis of this construct, with evidence from both animal and human …

[HTML][HTML] From the ventral to the dorsal striatum: devolving views of their roles in drug addiction

BJ Everitt, TW Robbins - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2013 - Elsevier
We revisit our hypothesis that drug addiction can be viewed as the endpoint of a series of
transitions from initial voluntarily drug use to habitual, and ultimately compulsive drug use …

New developments in human neurocognition: clinical, genetic, and brain imaging correlates of impulsivity and compulsivity

NA Fineberg, SR Chamberlain, AE Goudriaan… - CNS …, 2014 - cambridge.org
Impulsivity and compulsivity represent useful conceptualizations that involve dissociable
cognitive functions, which are mediated by neuroanatomically and neurochemically distinct …

Opiate versus psychostimulant addiction: the differences do matter

A Badiani, D Belin, D Epstein, D Calu… - Nature reviews …, 2011 - nature.com
The publication of the psychomotor stimulant theory of addiction in 1987 and the finding that
addictive drugs increase dopamine concentrations in the rat mesolimbic system in 1988 …

Neural and psychological mechanisms underlying compulsive drug seeking habits and drug memories–indications for novel treatments of addiction

BJ Everitt - European Journal of Neuroscience, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This review discusses the evidence for the hypothesis that the development of drug
addiction can be understood in terms of interactions between Pavlovian and instrumental …

The persistence of maladaptive memory: addiction, drug memories and anti-relapse treatments

AL Milton, BJ Everitt - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2012 - Elsevier
Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disorder, characterised by the long-term propensity of
addicted individuals to relapse. A major factor that obstructs the attainment of abstinence is …

Aberrant learning and memory in addiction

MM Torregrossa, PR Corlett, JR Taylor - Neurobiology of learning and …, 2011 - Elsevier
Over the past several years, drug addiction has increasingly been accepted to be a disease
of the brain as opposed to simply being due to a lack of willpower or personality flaw …

The science of making drug-addicted animals

SH Ahmed - Neuroscience, 2012 - Elsevier
Research involving animal models of drug addiction can be viewed as a sort of reverse
psychiatry. Contrary to clinicians who seek to treat addicted people to become and remain …