[HTML][HTML] The COVID-19 pandemic and physical activity

JA Woods, NT Hutchinson, SK Powers… - Sports medicine and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The SARS-CoV-2-caused COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a devastating threat
to human society in terms of health, economy, and lifestyle. Although the virus usually first …

[HTML][HTML] Smart wearable devices in cardiovascular care: where we are and how to move forward

K Bayoumy, M Gaber, A Elshafeey… - Nature Reviews …, 2021 - nature.com
Technological innovations reach deeply into our daily lives and an emerging trend supports
the use of commercial smart wearable devices to manage health. In the era of remote …

[HTML][HTML] Daily steps and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of 15 international cohorts

AE Paluch, S Bajpai, DR Bassett… - The Lancet Public …, 2022 - thelancet.com
Background Although 10 000 steps per day is widely promoted to have health benefits, there
is little evidence to support this recommendation. We aimed to determine the association …

Prospective associations of daily step counts and intensity with cancer and cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality and all-cause mortality

B del Pozo Cruz, MN Ahmadi, IM Lee… - JAMA internal …, 2022 - jamanetwork.com
Importance Recommendations for the number of steps per day may be easier to enact for
some people than the current time-and intensity-based physical activity guidelines, but the …

Association of daily step count and step intensity with mortality among US adults

PF Saint-Maurice, RP Troiano, DR Bassett… - Jama, 2020 - jamanetwork.com
Importance It is unclear whether the number of steps per day and the intensity of stepping
are associated with lower mortality. Objective Describe the dose-response relationship …

The association between daily step count and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a meta-analysis

M Banach, J Lewek, S Surma… - European journal of …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Aims There is good evidence showing that inactivity and walking minimal steps/day increase
the risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease and general ill-health. The optimal number of steps …

Association of daily step count and intensity with incident dementia in 78 430 adults living in the UK

B del Pozo Cruz, M Ahmadi, SL Naismith… - JAMA …, 2022 - jamanetwork.com
Importance Step-based recommendations may be appropriate for dementia-prevention
guidelines. However, the association of step count and intensity with dementia incidence is …

Vigorous physical activity, incident heart disease, and cancer: how little is enough?

MN Ahmadi, PJ Clare, PT Katzmarzyk… - European Heart …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Aims Vigorous physical activity (VPA) is a time-efficient way to achieve recommended
physical activity levels. There is a very limited understanding of the minimal and optimal …

Systematic review of the prospective association of daily step counts with risk of mortality, cardiovascular disease, and dysglycemia

KS Hall, ET Hyde, DR Bassett, SA Carlson… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Springer
Background Daily step counts is an intuitive metric that has demonstrated success in
motivating physical activity in adults and may hold potential for future public health physical …

Steps per day and all-cause mortality in middle-aged adults in the coronary artery risk development in young adults study

AE Paluch, KP Gabriel, JE Fulton, CE Lewis… - JAMA Network …, 2021 - jamanetwork.com
Importance Steps per day is a meaningful metric for physical activity promotion in clinical
and population settings. To guide promotion strategies of step goals, it is important to …