
张红卫, 刘颖, 杨成运, 鲁德岭, 钱丹, 贺志权, 王丹 - 热带病与寄生虫学, 2022 - rdbzz.com
内脏利什曼病(又称黑热病) 是以白蛉为传播媒介的人兽共患寄生虫病. 世界卫生组织倡议至
2030 年将内脏利什曼病“作为一个公共卫生问题” 实现消除目标的国家数增加到64 …


王莹莹, 马钰莹, 张永, 黄峥 - 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2020 - nldxb.njfu.edu.cn
近半个世纪以来, 新发传染病(多为涉及多宿主的人兽共患病) 正在以前所未有的速度不断增加,
不仅严重威胁人类健康, 还影响着农业生产和野生动物保护. 因不同宿主对病原的传播能力具有 …

Promoting visceral leishmaniasis from control to elimination in China based on One Health approach

Z Hong-wei, LIU Ying, Y Cheng-yun… - Journal of Tropical …, 2022 - rdbzz.com
Visceral leishmaniasis, also known as kala-azar, represents a zoonotic parasitic disease
with sandfly as the transmission medium. WHO is advocating an increase to 64 (85%) of the …

Biodiversity and the risk of infectious diseases

Y WANG, Y MA, Y Zhang, Z Huang - JOURNAL OF NANJING …, 2020 - nldxb.njfu.edu.cn
Emerging infectious diseases, most of which are zoonoses involving multiple host species,
have been increasing at an unprecedented rate during the last 50 years. These diseases …

[引用][C] 中国生物多样性保护的进展及展望

任海, 郭兆晖 - 生态科学, 2021 - ecolsci.com
生物多样性是衡量生态文明程度的重要标志, 是人与自然和谐共生的集中体现,
是践行绿色发展理念的有效载体. 中国生物多样性丰富, 位居世界前列. 自1992 年批准联合国 …