Ratoon rice technology: A green and resource-efficient way for rice production

W Wang, A He, G Jiang, H Sun, M Jiang, J Man… - Advances in …, 2020 - Elsevier
Ratoon rice, which refers to the production of a second rice crop from the stubble after the
harvest of the main crop, is considered a green and resource-efficient rice production …

Effects of nitrogen fertilization for bud initiation and tiller growth on yield and quality of rice ratoon crop in central China

D Yang, S Peng, C Zheng, H Xiang, J Huang, K Cui… - Field Crops …, 2021 - Elsevier
Rice ratooning is an ancient technology, known as harvesting twice after one sowing. In
recent years, ratoon rice has drawn much attention and been widely practiced by farmers in …

Mapping the ratoon rice suitability region in China using random forest and recursive feature elimination modeling

Y Wang, Y Li - Field Crops Research, 2023 - Elsevier
Context Ratoon rice (RR) offers lower input costs and greater benefits as it allows paddy rice
to be harvested twice from the same stubble, compared to double-season rice (DR) and …

Effects of source-sink regulation and nodal position of the main crop on the sprouting of regenerated buds and grain yield of ratoon rice

A He, M Jiang, L Nie, J Man, S Peng - Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Ratoon rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the production of a second season rice that utilizes the
dormant buds surviving on the stubble left behind after the harvest of the main crop …

Identification of QTNs, QTN-by-environment interactions, and their candidate genes for grain size traits in main crop and ratoon rice

Q Zhao, XS Shi, T Wang, Y Chen, R Yang… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Although grain size is an important quantitative trait affecting rice yield and quality, there are
few studies on gene-by-environment interactions (GEIs) in genome-wide association …

[HTML][HTML] Seed priming improves enzymatic and biochemical performances of rice during seed germination under low and high temperatures

S Monajjem, E Soltani, E Zainali, M Esfahani… - Rice Science, 2023 - Elsevier
As an abiotic stress, adverse germination temperatures cause serious disruptions in
physiological and biochemical processes involved in seed germination. Using a factorial …

Ratoon rice with direct seeding improves soil carbon sequestration in rice fields and increases grain quality

L Zhang, Q Tang, L Li, H Xu, H Zheng, J Wang… - Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Increasing both carbon (C) sequestration and food production is essential for a sustainable
future. However, increasing soil C sequestration or graining yield/quality in rice (Oryza sativa …

Metabolomic analysis reveals differential metabolites and pathways involved in grain chalkiness improvement under rice ratooning

F Lin, C Rensing, Z Pang, J Zou, S Lin, P Letuma… - Field Crops …, 2022 - Elsevier
Metabolomic approaches provide new insights into studying changes in yield traits and
grain chalkiness under a ratoon cropping system. In this study, when rice plants were grown …

On‐farm comparison in grain quality between main and ratoon crops of ratoon rice in Hubei Province, Central China

S Yuan, C Yang, X Yu, C Zheng, S Xiao… - Journal of the …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
BACKGROUND While ratoon rice has been increasingly practiced by farmers recently in
China, on‐farm performance in grain quality of main and ratoon crops in the mechanized …

Measuring eco-efficiency of rice cropping systems in Iran: An integrated economic and environmental approach

H Kouchaki-Penchah, MR Alizadeh… - … Energy Technologies and …, 2023 - Elsevier
This article provides detailed inventory data of existing cropping systems and measures the
environmental burdens, economic performance, and eco-efficiency of rice production …