Consumo de bebida alcoólica e privação de sono: efeito isolado e combinado sobre as respostas cardiorrespiratórias, neuromusculares e hormonais em adultos …

R Rodrigues - 2014 -
O consumo de bebida alcóolica e a privação de sono são situações frequentemente
vivenciadas pela população mundial, inclusive por atletas. Seus efeitos isolados sobre as …

Frequently asked questions by athletes:“how bad is it?”

C Rosenbloom, CL Ballard - Nutrition today, 2012 -
Athletes know that good nutrition is important to sports performance, but they often get their
advice from family, friends, coaches, and the Internet, and the advice is not always accurate …

[图书][B] La cerveza como bebida rehidratante después del ejercicio. Efectividad y seguridad para el consumidor

MS Cervantes Borunda - 2011 -
DESPUÉS DEL EJERCICIO. Efectividad y seguridad para el consumidor” que presenta
Dña. MÓNICA SOFÍA CERVANTES BORUNDA, al superior juicio del Tribunal que designe …

Collegiate athletes' knowledge of the effects of alcohol consumption on athletic performance

JM Murray - 2011 -
Abstract Collegiate Athletes' Knowledge on the Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Athletic
Performance Researcher: Joanna M. Murray Advisor: Dr. Robert Kane Purpose: The primary …


垣内美紀, 日置佑輔, 原裕昭, 坂本拓巳, 上田真也… - 教育医学, 2021 -
抄録 The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of moderation alcohol intake on the
physiological index and physical fitness level of university athletes. Nine male track-and …

[引用][C] Hydration and Fluid Replacement Knowledge, Attitudes, Barriers and Behaviors of NCAA Division I Football Players at a Midwestern University

RF Kumley - 2010 - Ball State University

[引用][C] How Does Alcohol Impact My Performance & Recovery?

DINTD Alcohol, TL Weight -
On the day after a heavy night of drinking, a workout is often the last thing that you want to
do. You feel lethargic and often nauseous too, but what is it that makes you feel like …

[引用][C] Dosagem do treinamento e da recuperação física no futebol profissional

FA Ferreira

[引用][C] Performance Guidelines for Weber State Football

C Cosgrove - 2014

[引用][C] The Effects of Alcohol on Performance

S Eburne