[图书][B] Approximations and endomorphism algebras of modules

R Göbel, J Trlifaj - 2006 - degruyter.com
References Page 1 References [1] S. Abhyankar, S. Wiegand, On the compositum of two power
series rings, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 112 (1991), 629 – 636. [2] U. Albrecht, Endomorphism …

On exact categories and applications to triangulated adjoints and model structures

M Saorín, J Šťovíček - Advances in Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
We show that Quillenʼs small object argument works for exact categories under very mild
conditions. This has immediate applications to cotorsion pairs and their relation to the …

Exact model categories, approximation theory, and cohomology of quasi-coherent sheaves

J Stovicek - arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.5206, 2013 - arxiv.org
Our aim is to give a fairly complete account on the construction of compatible model
structures on exact categories and symmetric monoidal exact categories, in some cases …

[PDF][PDF] Covers, envelopes and cotorsion theories

J Trlifaj - Lecture notes, Cortona workshop, 2000 - matematika.cuni.cz
Module theory provides a general framework for the study of linear representations of
various mathematical objects. For example, given a field K, representations of a quiver Q …

Covers, precovers, and purity

H Holm, P Jørgensen - Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 2008 - projecteuclid.org
We show that if a class of modules is closed under pure quotients, then it is precovering if
and only if it is covering, and this happens if and only if it is closed under direct sums. This is …

Mutation and torsion pairs

LA Hügel, R Laking, J Šťovíček, J Vitória - arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02147, 2022 - arxiv.org
Mutation of compact silting objects is a fundamental operation in the representation theory of
finite-dimensional algebras due to its connections to cluster theory and to the lattice of …

[HTML][HTML] Covers, envelopes, and cotorsion theories in locally presentable abelian categories and contramodule categories

L Positselski, J Rosický - Journal of Algebra, 2017 - Elsevier
We prove general results about completeness of cotorsion theories and existence of covers
and envelopes in locally presentable abelian categories, extending the well-established …

Covers in finitely accessible categories

S Crivei, M Prest, B Torrecillas - Proceedings of the American Mathematical …, 2010 - ams.org
We show that in a finitely accessible additive category every class of objects closed under
direct limits and pure epimorphic images is covering. In particular, the classes of flat objects …

Cotilting sheaves on Noetherian schemes

P Čoupek, J Šťovíček - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2020 - Springer
We develop theory of (possibly large) cotilting objects of injective dimension at most one in
general Grothendieck categories. We show that such cotilting objects are always pure …

Contramodules over pro-perfect topological rings

L Positselski - Forum Mathematicum, 2022 - degruyter.com
For four wide classes of topological rings R, we show that all flat left R-contramodules have
projective covers if and only if all flat left R-contramodules are projective if and only if all left …