[图书][B] Determining What Factors Affect Peoples' Perceptions of the Use of Reclaimed Water as a Source for Potable Water: A Study Within Hillsborough County …

SRA Tricoche - 2014 - search.proquest.com
In response to water supply depletion challenges, countries such as Australia, the United
States, and Namibia have implemented technologies that treat wastewater up to the …

[PDF][PDF] A formal model concerning policy strategies for building public acceptance of water reuse

K Hartley, A Biswas, C Tortajada - ippapublicpolicy.org
Water stress is an increasing burden in regions with arid climates, aquifer vulnerability, and
erratic rainfall. Population growth and competing domestic, industrial and agricultural uses …

[PDF][PDF] Esta publicación digital contiene las aportaciones–comunicaciones y pósteres-seleccionadas para su publicación en este libro de actas por el Comité …

P Lucas - researchgate.net
El aumento que la actividad turística en los últimos años está siendo una oportunidad de
desarrollo económico cada vez mayor. Una de las tendencias cualitativas que presenta la …

Risk-Yuck Factor Nexus in Reclaimed Wastewater for Irrigation: Comparing Farmers' Attitudes and Public Perception

S Ricart Casadevall, AM Rico Amorós… - … vol. 11, núm. 2, p. 187, 2019 - dugi-doc.udg.edu
The successes and failures of water reuse schemes are shaped by complex
interrelationships between technological, economic, and socio-political factors. However, it …

Percepción de los recursos hídricos no convencionales con fines agrícolas: análisis bibliométrico de la reutilización

S Ricart, A Rico - 2019 - rua.ua.es
La reutilización de agua depurada con fines agrícolas debe hacer frente a distintas
limitaciones, entre las cuales destaca la oposición de los agricultores y el rechazo social …

From Toilet to Tap: The Evolving Discourse of Recycled Drinking Water

RM Cammack - 2019 - search.proquest.com
As the world looks to alternative water sources in the face of climate change and worsening
drought, public perception plays a key role in the acceptance or rejection of proposed …

[PDF][PDF] Marktpotenziale der Wasserwiederverwendung

IMS Ökologie - researchgate.net
Die Verfügbarkeit von Wasser in quantitativer und qualitativer Hinsicht ist ein Schlüsselfaktor
für die Wirtschaft jeder Region der Welt. Der Wettbewerb um Wasserressourcen nimmt zu …

[PDF][PDF] Assessment of Screen Filters for Algae Removal from Treated Wastewater

J Kraan, A Ghadouani, K Erampamoorthy, B Moulds - ceed.wa.edu.au
Fine screen filters have the potential to provide economic and environmental benefits over
the currently used methods for algae removal in rural wastewater treatment plants. These …

[PDF][PDF] Andrew Simms, Stacey Hamilton & Wahidul K. Biswas

AGR Scheme - seg.curtin.edu.au
This research has determined the carbon footprint or the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2
eq) of potable water production from a groundwater recycling scheme, consisting of the …

Community attitudes and behaviors and the sociopolitics of decision making for urban recycled water schemes

BE Nancarrow, GJ Syme - Urban Water Reuse Handbook, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Increasing urban water demand exacerbated by climate change has led to greater pressure
among water managers to make e-cient use of available resources. In the past, the solution …