Forest–savanna–morichal dynamics in relation to fire and human occupation in the southern Gran Sabana (SE Venezuela) during the last millennia

E Montoya, V Rull, ND Stansell, MB Abbott… - Quaternary …, 2011 -
The southern Gran Sabana (SE Venezuela) holds a particular type of neotropical savanna
characterized by the local occurrence of morichales (Mauritia palm swamps), in a climate …

Early human occupation and land use changes near the boundary of the Orinoco and the Amazon basins (SE Venezuela): Palynological evidence from El Paují …

E Montoya, V Rull, S Nogué - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology …, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper shows a Holocene paleoecological reconstruction based on a peat bog
sequence (El Paují, 4° 28′ N–61° 35′ W, 865m elevation) located in the transition zone …

Vegetation changes in the neotropical gran sabana (Venezuela) around the Younger Dryas chron

E Montoya, V Rull, ND Stansell, BW Bird… - Journal of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
The occurrence of the Younger Dryas cold reversal in northern South America midlands and
lowlands remains controversial. We present a palaeoecological analysis of a Late Glacial …

Paleoecología del Holoceno en la Gran Sabana, SE Venezuela: Análisis preliminar de polen y microcarbones en la Laguna Encantada

E Montoya, V Rull, S Nogué… - Collectanea …, 2009 -
La región de la Gran Sabana, al SE de Venezuela, se caracteriza por la presencia de
extensas sabanas neotropicales, en un clima cálido y húmedo, que parece más propicio …

Late Holocene vegetation and fire dynamics on the summits of the Guayana Highlands: The Uei-tepui palynological record

E Safont, V Rull, T Vegas-Vilarrúbia, E Montoya… - Palaeogeography …, 2016 - Elsevier
The summits of the tepuis (sandstone table mountains of the Neotropical Guayana region—
Guayana Highlands, GH) have been considered valuable for palaeoecological studies due …

Late-Holocene vegetation and fire dynamics on the summits of the Guayana Highlands: the Uei-tepui palynological record.

E Safont Crespo, V Rull del Castillo… - … , 2016, vol. 455, p. 33 …, 2016 -
The summits of the tepuis (sandstone table mountains of the Neotropical Guayana region¿
Guayana Highlands, GH) have been considered valuable for palaeoecological studies due …