开放式腹膜前间隙修补术与Lichtenstein 无张力修补术治疗腹股沟疝的比较研究

刘子文, 孙蒙清, 张立阳, 吴文铭, 王维斌, 李晓斌… - 中华外科杂志, 2014 - cqvip.com
目的比较开放式腹膜前间隙修补术和Lichtenstein 无张力修补术治疗腹股沟疝的安全性和有效
性. 方法回顾性分析2008 年10 月至2013 年12 月收治的249 例腹股沟疝患者的临床资料 …

腹股沟疝传统修补术与疝环充填式无张力疝修补术, 平片式无张力疝修补术的临床对比

李三荣, 郑启昌 - 中国老年学杂志, 2008 - cqvip.com
腹股沟疝的手术治疗经历了传统疝修补术, 低张力疝修补术, 无张力疝修补术几个阶段,
现在无张力疝修补术已在国内外普及. 主要有平片修补(Lichtenstein), 疝环充填式修补(mesh …

普理灵疝装置修补腹股沟疝218 例体会

陈建川 - 中国普外基础与临床杂志, 2008 - cqvip.com
目的探讨普理灵疝装置(PHS) 在腹股沟疝修补术中应用的技术要点和目前存在的问题.
方法对218 例使用普理灵疝装置行无张力修补术的腹股沟疝患者资料进行分析. 结果218 …

Ambulatory inguinal hernia repair with prolene hernia system (PHS)

M Farrakha, V Shyam, GA Bebars, M Yacoub, K Bindu… - Hernia, 2006 - Springer
Study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility and benefits of inguinal hernia repair with
prolene hernia system (PHS) mesh under local anaesthesia as a day surgery procedure in a …

Kugel 补片腹膜前修补腹股沟疝改良术式介绍

施毓谦, 王坚 - 中国现代普通外科进展, 2007 - cqvip.com
Kugel 补片修补腹股沟疝可对腹壁存在的薄弱区域, 即肌耻骨孔进行有效修补.
与传统无张力手术将补片放置于腹横筋膜前相比, Kugel 补片放置于腹膜前间隙 …

Predictive factors comparison of complications and recurrences in three tension-free herniorraphy techniques

JC Mayagoitia, E Prieto-Diaz Chavez, D Suárez… - Hernia, 2006 - Springer
Inguinal herniorraphy is one of the most common surgeries performed. Avoiding hernia
recurrence is a primary concern. Hence, it is necessary to analyze the predictive factors of …

改良Kugel 微创腹股沟疝修补术

洪楚原, 梁国健, 林建生 - 广东医学, 2006 - cqvip.com
目的总结改良Kugel 微创腹股沟疝修补术的近期临床效果. 方法采用Kugel 补片对158 例178
侧腹股沟疝患者行无张力疝修补术. 结果每例侧手术时间20~ 35 min, 平均28min; 术后6~ 18 h …

Transinguinal preperitoneal (TIPP) versus Lichtenstein for inguinal hernia repair: a systematic review and meta-analysis

CAB Silveira, SM Poli de Figueiredo, YJM Dias… - Hernia, 2023 - Springer
Purpose We aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis comparing
postoperative outcomes in inguinal hernia repair with TIPP versus Lichtenstein technique …

Effects of resterilization on mechanical properties of polypropylene meshes

K Serbetci, H Kulacoglu, AO Devay, N Hasirci - The American journal of …, 2007 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND: The re-use of sterile packaged polypropylene meshes in hernia surgery is
not recommended by the manufacturers. However, especially in developing and …

History of the inguinal hernia repair

AL Komorowski - Inguinal Hernia, 2014 - books.google.com
The inguinal hernia is one of the diseases that haunted the humanity from its very beginning
to the modern times. The currently used term „hernia” comes directly from ancient …