Using observation as a data collection method to help understand patient and professional roles and actions in palliative care settings

C Walshe, G Ewing, J Griffiths - Palliative medicine, 2012 -
Background: Observational research methods are important for understanding people's
actions, roles and behaviour. However, these techniques are underused generally in …

Factors supporting good partnership working between generalist and specialist palliative care services: a systematic review

C Gardiner, M Gott, C Ingleton - British Journal of General Practice, 2012 -
Background The care that most people receive at the end of their lives is provided not by
specialist palliative care professionals but by generalists such as GPs, district nurses and …

Referral practices of oncologists to specialized palliative care

K Wentlandt, MK Krzyzanowska, N Swami… - Journal of clinical …, 2012 -
Purpose To describe current referral practices of oncologists to specialized palliative care
(SPC) and define demographic characteristics, practice situations, and opinions associated …

Using mixed methods to develop and evaluate complex interventions in palliative care research

MC Farquhar, G Ewing, S Booth - Palliative medicine, 2011 -
Background: there is increasing interest in combining qualitative and quantitative research
methods to provide comprehensiveness and greater knowledge yield. Mixed methods are …

'That's part of everybody's job': the perspectives of health care staff in England and New Zealand on the meaning and remit of palliative care

M Gott, J Seymour, C Ingleton, C Gardiner… - Palliative …, 2012 -
Background: the right for patients of all diagnoses to be in receipt of palliative care from an
early point in the diagnosis of a life-limiting condition is now enshrined in policy in a number …

What does 'complex'mean in palliative care? Triangulating qualitative findings from 3 settings

E Carduff, S Johnston, C Winstanley, J Morrish… - BMC Palliative Care, 2018 - Springer
Background Complex need for patients with a terminal illness distinguishes those who
would benefit from specialist palliative care from those who could be cared for by non …

What are the views of hospital-based generalist palliative care professionals on what facilitates or hinders collaboration with in-patient specialist palliative care teams …

J Firn, N Preston, C Walshe - Palliative medicine, 2016 -
Background: Hospital-based specialist palliative care services are common, yet existing
evidence of inpatient generalist providers' perceptions of collaborating with hospital-based …

Palliative care for people with non-malignant lung disease: summary of current evidence and future direction

J Boland, J Martin, AU Wells, JR Ross - Palliative Medicine, 2013 -
Background: The physical and psychosocial needs of patients with chronic non-malignant
lung disease are comparable to those with lung cancer. This article will focus on chronic …

Palliative and end-of-life care and junior doctors: a systematic review and narrative synthesis

A Bharmal, T Morgan, I Kuhn, B Wee… - BMJ Supportive & …, 2022 -
Background Palliative and end-of-life care is a core competency for doctors and is
increasingly recognised as a key clinical skill for junior doctors. There is a growing …

A grounded theory of interdependence between specialist and generalist palliative care teams across healthcare settings

M Thelen, SG Brearley, C Walshe - Palliative Medicine, 2023 -
Background: Individuals with palliative care needs face increased risk of discontinuity of
care as they navigate between healthcare settings, locations and practitioners which can …