[图书][B] Teen sexual partnerships and contraceptive use

AC Nothaft - 2002 - search.proquest.com
Current quantitative research on teen contraceptive use focuses on knowledge about and
attitudes toward contraception instead of how different aspects of sexual partnerships may …

[图书][B] Determining adolescent pregnancy risk using the health belief model and the health locus of control

MM Fonseca - 1999 - search.proquest.com
This nonexperimental research design studied 23 pregnant teenagers and teenage mothers
ages 13 to 19 years. The response rate to this study was 65.7%. The purpose of this …

[图书][B] Cross-cultural differences in psychosocial correlates of high-risk sexual behavior

RK Ratti - 1997 - search.proquest.com
This study examined psychosocial correlates of unprotected anal intercourse and oral sex to
ejaculation before withdrawal, behaviors that entail risk of HIV transmission, among 71 …

[图书][B] Rethinking power in interpersonal relationships: The development of the power scale and a test of a model

BT Mazurek - 1998 - search.proquest.com
The current study focuses on the role of power in intimate heterosexual relationships. A
sample of 166 young, urban, heterosexual college women from four colleges volunteered to …

[图书][B] African-American adolescent parents: Their perceptions of sex, love, intimate relationships, pregnancy, and parenting

JLJ Harris - 1996 - search.proquest.com
reproduced from the microfilm master. UMI films the text directly from the original or copy …

[DOC][DOC] An Evaluation of Adolescent Patterns of Sexual Self-Disclosure to Parents and Friends Dennis R. Papini Frank L. Farmer

SM Clark, WE Snell Jr - researchgate.net
A study was conducted to examine adolescent's sexual self-disclosure to their parents and
friends. The sample consisted of 169 senior high school students. The results revealed that …


AY Rodgers, CCM Rolle - researchgate.net
A plethora of studies have attempted to assess adolescents" knowledge about AIDS (eg,
DiClemente, Zorn, & Temoshok, 1986; Baldwin & Baldwin, 1988; DiClemente, Boyer & …

Učinkovitost savjetovanja pri testiranju na virus humane imunodeficijencije na promjenu rizičnog ponašanja [Effectivenes of the HIV counselling and testing on risk …

V Matković Puljić - 2016 - medlib.mef.hr
HBV–virus hepatitisa B HCV–virus hepatitisa C HIV–virus humane imunodeficijencije IKD–
intravenski korisnici droga (eng. intravenous drug users) Q1-Q3–prvi i treći kvartil (Q1-Q3) …

Učinkovitost savjetovanja pri testiranju na virus humane imunodeficijencije na promjenu rizičnog ponašanja

V Matković Puljić - 2016 - repozitorij.unizg.hr
Sažetak Svrha: Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ispitati učinkovitost HIV savjetovanja na
smanjenje rizičnih spolnih ponašanja kod osoba koje se dobrovoljno i anonimno testiraju na …

Zdravstveno protektivna spolna komunikacija kod osoba koje se testiraju na HIV

V Matković Puljić, J Begovac - Infektološki glasnik, 2013 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Komunikacija sa spolnim partnerom o sigurnom spolnom odnosu je važno
zdravstveno protektivno ponašanje. U ovom istraživanju ispitali smo čimbenike koji se …