[图书][B] Communicating during Humanitarian Medical Crises: The Consequences of Silence or “Témoignage”

M Hasian - 2019 - books.google.com
The Promise and Perils of" Silence" or" Temoignage" During Humanitarian Crises provides
readers with a nuanced study of what happens when historical and 21st century medical …

[PDF][PDF] Strengthening community linkages to Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak preparedness in Uganda

D Mafigiri, MM Schmidt-Sane - 2019 - rcce-collective.net
Executive Summary On June 11th the Ministry of Health declared an epidemic of Ebola
Virus Disease (EVD) in Kasese District, South West Uganda (MoH, 2019). This outbreak was …

[HTML][HTML] Epidemic Assistance by the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2005–2014

F Coronado, GM Chen, SA Bosch… - Journal of epidemiology …, 2016 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background: Epi-Aids, or epidemiologic assistance investigations, are an important
mechanism through which Centers for Disease Control and Prevention supports public …

[PDF][PDF] Ebola virus-deadly thread to pregnancy

K Raman, A Sharma, B Parashar - International journal of current …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Ebola virus is a acute viral syndrome come with lots of defect and problems. It is one of the
deadly disease to mankind moreover it is more fetal to pregnant women's it get easily …

[HTML][HTML] The spread of Ebola

C Condit - metode.org
By the end of October 2014, over 500 health care workers had contracted Ebola in West
Africa. In the picture, health care workers wearing protective clothing in …

The 2013-2016 West African Ebola Epidemic-An overview of central aspects

O Bellos - 2018 - munin.uit.no
Background Ebola is a filovirus and one of the most virulent organisms identified. It'sa
zoonosis with fruit bats as the likeliest reservoir. Pathogen spill-over from infected animals …

[PDF][PDF] La propagación del ébola

C Condit - metode.es
La tragedia de la epidemia de ébola de 2014 en África occidental empeoró por culpa de la
retórica que empleó la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), que mostraba al personal …

La propagació de l'ebola: com la retòrica de l'organització mundial de la salut va contribuir a la transmissió del virus

C Condit - Mètode: Revista de difusió de la investigació, 2015 - dialnet.unirioja.es
La tragèdia de l'epidèmia d'ebola de 2014 a l'Àfrica occidental va empitjorar per culpa de la
retòrica que va fer servir l'Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS), que mostrava el personal …

Experience of prevention and control of Ebola of medical team formed by People's Liberation Army in Liberia

Y DENG, Q LIU - ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF CHINESE …, 2015 - xuebao.301hospital.com.cn
Objective To explore the methods and experience of infection control by anti-Ebola medical
team of People's Liberation Army to Liberia. Methods The actual practices of Ebola treatment …

エボラ出血熱の現状~ 臨床医の立場から~

加藤康幸, 古宮伸洋, 足立拓也 - 日本内科学会雑誌, 2014 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 2014 年, 西アフリカにおいて, エボラ出血熱 (Ebola virus disease: EVD)
の過去最大の流行が発生した. これまでの報告と同様に, 患者に出血症状は少なく …