Plasticity and genetic adaptation mediate amphibian and reptile responses to climate change

MC Urban, JL Richardson… - Evolutionary …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation are predicted to mitigate some of the negative
biotic consequences of climate change. Here, we evaluate evidence for plastic and …

Climate change and nesting behaviour in vertebrates: a review of the ecological threats and potential for adaptive responses

MC Mainwaring, I Barber, DC Deeming… - Biological …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Nest building is a taxonomically widespread and diverse trait that allows animals to alter
local environments to create optimal conditions for offspring development. However, there is …

Mother knows best: nest-site choice homogenizes embryo thermal environments among populations in a widespread ectotherm

BL Bodensteiner, JB Iverson… - … of the Royal …, 2023 -
Species with large geographical ranges provide an excellent model for studying how
different populations respond to dissimilar local conditions, particularly with respect to …

Can nesting behaviour allow reptiles to adapt to climate change?

WG Du, SR Li, BJ Sun, R Shine - … Transactions of the …, 2023 -
A range of abiotic parameters within a reptile nest influence the viability and attributes
(including sex, behaviour and body size) of hatchlings that emerge from that nest. As a result …

The behavioural and physiological ecology of embryos: responding to the challenges of life inside an egg

WG Du, R Shine - Biological Reviews, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Adaptations of post‐hatching animals have attracted far more study than have embryonic
responses to environmental challenges, but recent research suggests that we have …

Is the future female for turtles? Climate change and wetland configuration predict sex ratios of a freshwater species

HP Roberts, LL Willey, MT Jones… - Global Change …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Climate change and land‐use change are leading drivers of biodiversity decline, affecting
demographic parameters that are important for population persistence. For example …

The climatic debt of loggerhead sea turtle populations in a warming world

JR Monsinjon, J Wyneken, K Rusenko… - Ecological …, 2019 - Elsevier
Phenological shifts, by initiating reproductive events earlier, in response to advanced
seasonal warming is one of the most striking effects currently observed in wild populations …

Nest-site selection influences offspring sex ratio in green turtles, a species with temperature-dependent sex determination

L Heredero Saura, L Jáñez-Escalada, J López Navas… - Climatic Change, 2022 - Springer
Climate change threatens species with temperature-dependent sex determination as further
warming could result in extremely biased sex ratios or offspring of only one sex. Among the …

A case for considering individual variation in diel activity patterns

AG Hertel, JE Swenson, R Bischof - Behavioral Ecology, 2017 -
There is a growing recognition of the role of individual variation in patterns emerging at
higher levels of biological organization. Despite the importance of the temporal configuration …

Climate change and green sea turtle sex ratio—preventing possible extinction

J Blechschmidt, MJ Wittmann, C Blüml - Genes, 2020 -
Climate change poses a threat to species with temperature-dependent sex determination
(TSD). A recent study on green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) at the northern Great Barrier …