“半日” 的象征意义探析

田立冬 - 时代文学, 2010 - cqvip.com
“半日”的象征意义探析-[维普官方网站]-www.cqvip.com-维普网  我的维普 购物车 充值 客服 首页
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Outside the comfort zone: Re-locating ourselves in a postcolonial literary pedagogy

I Johnston, J Mangat - … , Postcolonial Literature, and Cultural Mediation in …, 2012 - brill.com
This chapter offers a reflection on two collaborative research studies in which preservice and
practicing teachers developed frames of reference for critically analyzing multicultural and …

Following a Pattern in Mahfouz's HALF A DAY

SS Jamil - The Explicator, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Naguib Mahfouz's suspenseful focus on life's transience in “Half a Day,” translated into
English by Denys Johnson-Davies, shows how the author discusses a rudimentary subject …