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[HTML][HTML] I costi della psicoterapia

DN Piccinini - psicologogenovasavona.com
Per quanto riguarda i costi economici del trattamento Psicoterapico è necessario chiarire
che questi rappresentano spesso un" falso" ostacolo in quanto rimandare l'intervento …

Using mhealth data to improve the management of chronic pain

N Young - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Chronic pain is widespread and mHealth provides a novel solution to the management of
pain through the use of smartphone technology. The purpose of this research is to determine …

[PDF][PDF] New technologies in burn care: A clinical psychologist's perspective of opportunities for advancing psychosocial care

J Heath - 2017 - britishburnassociation.org
New technology has had a major role in advancing medical aspects of burn care; however, it
also has potential to develop psychosocial care. New technological innovations enable …

[PDF][PDF] Brief Strategic Therapy and Motivational Interviewing among Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients: pre-post treatment results

G Pietrabissa, GM Manzoni… - … of Social and …, 2016 - europeanproceedings.com
Objective: the MOTIV-HEART study is aimed at testing the incremental efficacy of Brief
Strategic Therapy (BST) combined with Motivational Interviewing (MI) in improving selected …