Utilização de equipamentos de proteção individual para atendimento de pacientes com covid-19: revisão de escopo

GPA Garcia, IFL Fracarolli, HEC Santos… - Revista gaúcha de …, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
Objetivo: Sumarizar o conhecimento sobre recomendações do uso de equipamentos de
proteção individual necessários para a prestação do cuidado por profissionais de saúde à …

Ethical surgical triage of patients with head and neck cancer during the COVID‐19 pandemic

FJ Civantos, JM Leibowitz, DJ Arnold, VC Stubbs… - Head & …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Background Coronavirus has serially overtaken our metropolitan hospitals. At peak, patients
with acute respiratory distress syndrome may outnumber mechanical ventilators. In our …

Contributions of Latin American researchers in the understanding of the novel coronavirus outbreak: a literature review

KY Fiesco-Sepúlveda, LM Serrano-Bermúdez - PeerJ, 2020 - peerj.com
This article aimed to give the visibility of Latin American researchers' contributions to the
comprehension of COVID-19; our method was a literature review. Currently, the world is …

[引用][C] A novel deep learning pipeline architecture based on CNN to detect Covid-19 in chest X-ray images

P Sumari, SJ Syed, L Abualigah - Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics …, 2021

Surgical plume in dermatology: an insidious and often overlooked hazard

T Searle, FR Ali, F Al‐Niaimi - Clinical and Experimental …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Dermatologists performing surgical procedures face occupational and health hazards when
exposed to surgical plume released during electrosurgical and ablative laser procedures …

Aerosol generation during general anesthesia is comparable to coughing: an observational clinical study

LM Oksanen, E Sanmark, S Sofieva… - Acta …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Background Intubation, laryngoscopy, and extubation are considered highly aerosol‐
generating procedures, and additional safety protocols are used during COVID‐19 …

Navigating telemedicine for facial trauma during the COVID‐19 pandemic

M Said, V Ngo, J Hwang… - Laryngoscope Investigative …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Importance The COVID‐19 pandemic is changing how health care providers practice. As
some telemedicine and telecommunication support tools have been incorporated into the …

Management changes for patients with endocrine-related cancers in the COVID-19 pandemic

D Raghavan, AR Tan, ES Story… - Endocrine-Related …, 2020 - erc.bioscientifica.com
Substantial management changes in endocrine-related malignancies have been required
as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including a draconian reduction in the screening …

Design a smart infrastructure monitoring system: a response in the age of COVID-19 pandemic

SNS Al-Humairi, AAA Kamal - Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 2021 - Springer
Since the end of 2019, COVID-19 has been a challenge for the world, and it is expected that
the world must take precautionary steps to tackle the virus spreading prior produces an …

Odontología en entorno COVID-19: Adaptación de las unidades de salud bucodental en los centros de salud de la Comunidad de Madrid

MVM Moreno, ALL Silva, VP Ramos… - Revista espanola de …, 2020 - dialnet.unirioja.es
En el término COVID-19 se incluyen cuadros respiratorios que varían desde el resfriado
común hasta cuadros de neumonía grave con síndrome de distrés respiratorio, shock …