Pharmacology of nebivolol

M Mangrella, F Rossi, F FICI, F ROSSI - Pharmacological research, 1998 - Elsevier
Nebivolol is a new selective β1-adrenergic blocking agent, that possesses a peculiar
pharmacodynamic profile and an original chemical structure, by which it differs from …

Exercise tolerance with nebivolol and atenolol

LMAB Van Bortel, MA van Baak - Cardiovascular Drugs and therapy, 1992 - Springer
Patients treated with beta-blocking agents often complain of fatigue during exercise.
Exercise capacity is decreased under this condition. Nebivolol is a new beta 1-adrenoceptor …

Compositions comprising nebivolol

E Davis, J O'donnell, P Bottini - US Patent 7,803,838, 2010 - Google Patents
Nebivolol has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases such
hypertension, congestive heart failure, arterial stiffness and endothelial dysfunction. The …

Determination of the anti-ischemic activity of nebivolol in comparison with atenolol

G Ruf, D Trenk, E Jähnchen, H Roskamm - International journal of …, 1994 - Elsevier
The anti-ischemic effect of 5 mg nebivolol oid, a newly developed β 1-selective
adrenoceptor blocking drug with vasodilating properties, was compared with that of atenolol …

Compositions comprising nebivolol

E Davis, JP O'donnell, PB Bottini, A Shaw… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
Nebivolol has been shoWn to be bene? cial in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
such hypertension, congestive heart failure, arterial stiffness and endothelial dysfunction …

[PDF][PDF] An open label, multi-center, non-interventional study of the safety of Nebivolol (Nebilet) in the treatment of hypertension in Filipino adult patients: A post …

FR Collado - echocardiography, 2018 -
Background: Nebivolol is a potent third generation beta-blocking agent indicated for the
treatment of hypertension and is distinguished from other beta blockers by its dual …

[PDF][PDF] Nebivolol: selektiver ß1-Rezeptorenblocker mit NO-modulierender Vasodilatation

D neue Medikament - Kardiovaskuläre Medizin, 2005 -
Nebivolol ist ein selektiver kardialer Betarezeptorenblocker, der zusätzlich die Freisetzung
von endothelialem Stickoxid (NO) fördert und eine protektive Wirkung auf das Gefässsystem …

[PDF][PDF] Aktualna pozycja nebiwololu w leczeniu chorób sercowo-naczyniowych

A Dąbrowa-Bielecka, J Rysz, M Banach -
Nebiwolol jest wysoce selektywnym lekiem β-adrenolitycznym III generacji, wykazującym się
dodatkowym działaniem naczyniorozszerzającym, zależnym od uwalniania endogennego …

[HTML][HTML] Current position of nebivolol in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

A Dąbrowa-Bielecka, J Rysz, M Banach - … /Cardio-Diabetological Review -
Mimo rozwoju farmakologicznych metod leczenia niewydolności serca, nie uzyskuje się
znaczącej, oczekiwanej redukcji śmiertelności w grupie osób cierpiących na to schorzenie …

[HTML][HTML] Gebe Sıçanlarda Oksitosinle İndüklenmiş Miyometriyum Kasılmaları Üzerine Nebivololün İnhibe Edici Etkisi

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