
姚尧, 殷炜达, 任亦询, 崔恩泽 - 风景园林, 2021 - lalavision.com
2020 年全球新冠肺炎疫情在世界各个城市暴发, 暴露了现今城市化进程中人与自然共生关系的
问题. 城市绿地作为城市生态环境的重要组成部分, 其质量, 数量, 大小, 分布密度等对人体健康 …

Review on Researches of the Relationship Between Urban Green Space and Human Health from the Perspective of Spatial Analysis

YAO Yao, YIN Weida, REN Yixun… - Landscape Architecture, 2021 - lalavision.com
The global outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 has exposed the symbiotic relationship between
humans and nature in the process of urbanization. As an important component of the urban …

城市自然景观与市民心理健康: 关键议题

姜斌 - 风景园林, 2020 - lalavision.com
首先对心理健康进行了定义, 并指出心理健康问题是当前城市健康危机的关键内容,
也是常常被政府和大众忽略的问题. 研究发现城市环境的品质对市民心理健康水平有着显著且 …


段艺凡, 李树华 - 风景园林, 2022 - lalavision.com
城市绿地有益于居民身心健康, 为了确定不同植物群落景观的观赏形式对人体生理反应的影响和
差异, 通过视频与照片这2 种观赏形式, 以4 种典型植物群落景观(乔木林, 乔–灌–草, 乔–草, 草坪) …


赖鹏程, 郑涵青, 林心影, 黄启堂 - 风景园林, 2022 - lalavision.com
越来越多的研究证实植物可以对人体的心理效益产生积极的影响. 然而, 现有研究多集中于室外
自然环境, 未能揭示室内植物与人体心理效益之间的影响关系. 以中国知网(CNKI) …

Review of Researches on the Effects of Indoor Plants on Human Psychological Benefits

LAI Pengcheng, Z Hanqing, LIN Xinying… - Landscape …, 2022 - lalavision.com
An increasing number of researches have confirmed that plants can have positive effects on
human psychological benefits. However, existing researches mostly focus on outdoor …

Effects of viewing forms of plant community landscapes on human physiological responses

D Yifan, LI Shuhua - Landscape Architecture, 2022 - lalavision.com
Urban green space is beneficial to the physical and mental health of residents. To determine
the effects and differences of various viewing forms of plant community landscapes on …

Urban Natural Landscape and Citizens' Mental Health: Key Issues

J Bin - Landscape Architecture, 2020 - lalavision.com
This article first introduces the concept of mental health. Mental health problem is a crucial
part of the current public health crisis in cities, and it is often underestimated by the …


王淑芬, 毕燕琪, 房伯南, 张宝慧… - Journal of Beijing …, 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
摘摇要: 为了使绿色空间更好地服务于公共健康, 对促进人群压力缓解的绿色空间领域的研究
文献进行归纳与分析. 利用Citespace 软件, 对Web of Science 和中国知网数据库中2002 …

“植物疗法” 与公共图书馆的绿色空间构建

杨玉涵 - 四川图书馆学报, 2023 - journal23.magtechjournal.com
助推大众心理健康事业的进程. 将“植物疗法” 融入公共图书馆环境与建设, 是读者服务的进一步 …