Microfluidic-based electrospray source for analytical devices with a rotary fluid flow channel for sample preparation

ID Manger, CC Hao, MA Unger - US Patent 7,442,556, 2008 - Google Patents
This invention provides microfluidic devices and methods for using the same. Microfluidic
devices of the present invention comprises a first elastic layer, a fluid flow channel within the …

Microfluidic devices and methods of using same

M Unger, J Huang, E Quan - US Patent 8,007,746, 2011 - Google Patents
An M. times. N matrix microfluidic device for performing a matrix of reactions, the device
having a plurality of reaction cells in communication with one of either a sample inlet or a …

Integrated active flux microfluidic devices and methods

SR Quake, HP Chou - US Patent 8,129,176, 2012 - Google Patents
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this(Continued) patent is extended or
adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS USC 154 (b) by 0 days. AY Fu, et al.,“A …

Multimolecular devices and drug delivery systems

R Cubicciotti - US Patent App. 10/872,973, 2005 - Google Patents
Multimolecular devices and drug delivery systems prepared from synthetic heteropolymers,
heteropolymeric discrete structures, multivalent heteropolymeric hybrid structures, aptameric …

Thermal reaction device and method for using the same

F Goodsaid, M Unger, J Huang… - US Patent App. 10/876,046, 2005 - Google Patents
An M>< N matrix rnicro? uidic device for performing a matrix of reactions, the device having
a plurality of reaction cells in communication With one of either a sample inlet or a reagent …

Microfluidic device and methods of using same

M Unger, ID Manger, M Lucero, Y Yi… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A variety of elastomeric-based micro? uidic devices and methods for using
and manufacturing such devices are pro vided. Certain of the devices have arrays of …

Thermal reaction device and method for using the same

L McBride, G Facer, M Unger, M Lucero… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
Abstract An M× N matrix microfluidic device for performing a matrix of reactions, the device
having a plurality of reaction cells in communication with one of either a sample inlet or a …

High purity X-chromosome bearing and Y-chromosome bearing populations of spermatozoa

KM Evans, EB Van Munster - US Patent 7,371,517, 2008 - Google Patents
Isolated non-naturally occurring populations of spermatozoa (15) having high purity and
technologies to di?'erentiate spermatozoa (28) based on characteristics such as mass …

Apparatus and methods for sorting particles

G Durack, JD Wallace, GP Vandre, LA Westfall… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
A flow cytometry system and method for sorting a mixture of particles with a fluid delivery
system delivering a fluid containing particles, a flow cytometry apparatus for receiving the …

Optical apparatus

J Sharpe, PN Schaare - US Patent 6,819,411, 2004 - Google Patents
(7, 75). The parallel light (7, 75) is generally achieved by directing an incident beam at the
apex of a prism (1, 22, 24, 26, 28). The prism may have varying configurations. One …