Influences of gender role socialization and anxiety on spatial cognitive style

R Nori, N Mercuri, F Giusberti… - The American …, 2009 -
Research on the relationship between personality and social factors in spatial cognitive style
is sparse. The present research was conducted to help fill the gap in this domain. We …

Spatial orientation and directional judgments in pilots vs. nonpilots

P Verde, G Angelino, F Piccolo… - Aerospace Medicine …, 2018 -
BACKGROUND: Reading a map requires the ability to judge one's position in a large-scale
space from information presented in a small-scale representation. Individuals are more …

Sports Training System for Visualizing Bird's-Eye View from First-Person View

S Shimizu, K Sumi - 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality …, 2019 -
In ball games, it is important that the players are able to estimate the position of the other
players from a bird's-eye view based on the information obtained from their first-person view …

[PDF][PDF] Teaching Spatial Thinking: Perspectives from Cognitive Psychology.

M Hegarty, MR Tarampi - TSTIP@ COSIT, 2015 -
Cognitive psychology primarily focuses on understanding of how humans represent and
process spatial information. Cognitive psychology approaches to spatial thinking consider …

[PDF][PDF] Engineers' abilities influence spatial perspective changing

P Verde, G Angelino, F Piccolo, P Carrozzo, L Piccardi… - IJEE, 2019 -
In this paper we studied the effect of engineering expertise in providing directional
judgments. We asked two groups of people, engineers and non-engineers, to observe and …

Individual differences in spatial navigation: A multi-scale perspective

F Zhang, M Chen, Y Pu, XZ Kong - Advances in Psychological …, 2023 -
Spatial navigation is an essential aspect of daily life that exhibits significant individual
differences. The decline in spatial navigation is considered a critical early behavioral …

Large-scale visuospatial cognition in Williams syndrome and typically developing children

HJ Broadbent - 2015 -
Williams syndrome (WS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder of known genetic origin. A
characteristically uneven cognitive profile in WS, with a marked contrast between poor small …

Planifier et choisir un itinéraire en milieu urbain: approches plurielles d'un problème cognitif.

E Grison - 2015 -
Planifier un itinéraire est une tâche réalisée quotidiennement pour nos déplacements. Bien
que cette tâche soit routinière, les recherches dans le domaine de la résolution de problème …

The impact of 3D virtual environments with different levels of realism on route learning: a focus on age-based differences

IE Lokka - 2020 -
With technological advancements, it has become notably easier to create virtual
environments (VEs) depicting the real world with high fidelity and realism. These VEs offer …

[PDF][PDF] Everyday navigation in real and virtual environments informed by semantic knowledge

C Kalff, G Strube - Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the …, 2011 -
The effect of semantic knowledge on performing an everyday wayfinding task was
investigated in real and virtual grocery stores. Participants had to search for 15 food items …