One size does not fit all: Using variables other than the thin ideal to understand Black women's body image.

CM Capodilupo - Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2015 -
Very few empirical studies have investigated the effect that culturally relevant beauty ideals
(such as long, straight hair and lighter skin tones) have on Black women's feelings about …

One size does not fit all: Using variables other than the thin ideal to understand Black women's body image.

CM Capodilupo - Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2015 -
Very few empirical studies have investigated the effect that culturally relevant beauty ideals
(such as long, straight hair and lighter skin tones) have on Black women's feelings about …

One size does not fit all: using variables other than the thin ideal to understand Black women's body image.

CM Capodilupo - Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2014 -
Very few empirical studies have investigated the effect that culturally relevant beauty ideals
(such as long, straight hair and lighter skin tones) have on Black women's feelings about …

One size does not fit all: Using variables other than the thin ideal to understand Black women's body image.

CM Capodilupo - Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority …, 2015 -
Very few empirical studies have investigated the effect that culturally relevant beauty ideals
(such as long, straight hair and lighter skin tones) have on Black women's feelings about …

One size does not fit all: using variables other than the thin ideal to understand Black women's body image

CM Capodilupo - Cultural diversity & ethnic minority …, 2015 -
Very few empirical studies have investigated the effect that culturally relevant beauty ideals
(such as long, straight hair and lighter skin tones) have on Black women's feelings about …

One Size Does Not Fit All: Using Variables Other Than the Thin Ideal to Understand Black Women's Body Image

CM Capodilupo -
Very few empirical studies have investigated the effect that culturally relevant beauty ideals
(such as long, straight hair and lighter skin tones) have on Black women's feelings about …