Optical coherence tomography for eye-length measurement

C Baker, MJ Everett - US Patent 7,400,410, 2008 - Google Patents
A. Gh. Podoleanu et al.,“Fiberised set-up for eye length measure ment.” Optics
Communications, vol. 137 (1997) pp. 397-405. GF Schmid," Axial and peripheral eye length …

Optical coherence tomography for eye-length measurement

C Baker, MJ Everett - US Patent 7,400,410, 2008 - freepatentsonline.com
An accurate measure of eye length can be obtained using concurrent OCT measurements. A
position OCT device can be used to continually monitor the position of the front surface of …

Optical coherence tomography for eye-length measurement

C Baker, M Everett, Y Zhou, K O'Hara - US Patent App. 11/243,665, 2007 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0002. In industrial, medical, and various other applica tions, it often is
necessary to make measurements at a resolution of less than 10 microns. This becomes …

Optical coherence tomography for eye-length measurement

C Baker, MJ Everett, Y Zhou… - US Patent App. 11 …, 2007 - freepatentsonline.com
An accurate measure of eye length can be obtained using concurrent OCT measurements. A
position OCT device can be used to continually monitor the position of the front surface of …