Miniaturized mobile, low cost optical coherence tomography system for home based ophthalmic applications

L Scheibler, M Pfister, U Schnell, S Troller… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
Improved optical coherence tomography systems and meth ods to measure thickness of the
retina are presented. The systems may be compact, handheld, provide in-home moni toring …

Miniaturized mobile, low cost optical coherence tomography system for home based ophthalmic applications

L Scheibler, M Pfister, U Schnell… - US Patent …, 2020 -
Improved optical coherence tomography systems and methods to measure thickness of the
retina are presented. The systems may be compact, handheld, provide in-home monitoring …

Miniaturized Mobile, Low Cost Optical Coherence Tomography System for Home Based Ophthalmic Applications

L Scheibler, M Pfister, U Schnell, S Troller… - US Patent App. 15 …, 2018 - Google Patents
Improved optical coherence tomography systems and methods to measure thickness of the
retina are presented. The systems may be compact, handheld, provide in-home monitoring …

Miniaturized Mobile, Low Cost Optical Coherence Tomography System for Home Based Ophthalmic Applications

L Scheibler, M Pfister, U Schnell… - US Patent App. 15 …, 2018 -
Improved optical coherence tomography systems and methods to measure thickness of the
retina are presented. The systems may be compact, handheld, provide in-home monitoring …