[HTML][HTML] Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli, V Monda… - Aging (Albany …, 2018 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) represents about 25% of deaths in clinical cardiology. The
identification of risk factors for SCD is the philosopher's stone of cardiology and the …

[引用][C] Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli, V Monda… - Aging, 2018 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death | CiNii Research CiNii 国立
情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲ恁[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォ恁啶匾動 論文・デ恁郡颏丹す …

[PDF][PDF] Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli, V Monda… - AGING, 2018 - iris.unina.it
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) represents about 25% of deaths in clinical cardiology. The
identification of risk factors for SCD is the philosopher's stone of cardiology and the …

Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli, V Monda… - AGING, 2018 - ricerca.uniparthenope.it
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) represents about 25% of deaths in clinical cardiology. The
identification of risk factors for SCD is the philosopher's stone of cardiology and the …

Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli, V Monda… - AGING, 2018 - iris.unicampania.it
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) represents about 25% of deaths in clinical cardiology. The
identification of risk factors for SCD is the philosopher's stone of cardiology and the …

[PDF][PDF] Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli, V Monda… - …, 2018 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) represents about 25% of deaths in clinical cardiology. The
identification of risk factors for SCD is the philosopher's stone of cardiology and the …

Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death.

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli, V Monda… - Aging, 2018 - europepmc.org
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) represents about 25% of deaths in clinical cardiology. The
identification of risk factors for SCD is the philosopher's stone of cardiology and the …

[PDF][PDF] Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli… - …, 2018 - paperchase-aging-prod.s3 …
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) represents about 25% of deaths in clinical cardiology. The
identification of risk factors for SCD is the philosopher's stone of cardiology and the …

[PDF][PDF] Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli, V Monda… - AGING, 2018 - academia.edu
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) represents about 25% of deaths in clinical cardiology. The
identification of risk factors for SCD is the philosopher's stone of cardiology and the …

Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death

F Sessa, V Anna, G Messina, G Cibelli, V Monda… - …, 2018 - pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) represents about 25% of deaths in clinical cardiology. The
identification of risk factors for SCD is the philosopher's stone of cardiology and the …