[图书][B] Flowering plants

A Takhtajan - 2009 - Springer
Friedman WE, RC Moore, and MD Purugganan. 2004. The evolution of plant development.
Am. J. Bot. 91: 1726–1741. Friis EM, PR Crane, and KP Pedersen. 1997. Fossil history of …

[图书][B] Flowering plants: evolution above the species level

GL Stebbins - 1974 - degruyter.com
I recognize at the outset that these objectives are very difficult to attain, and viii Preface might
be considered impractical or even idealistic given the present state of our knowledge. The …

[图书][B] Flowering Plants. Monocots

EA Kellogg - 2016 - Springer
The goal of this book is to present a state-of-the-art view of grass taxonomy and to
summarize our current understanding of morphological variation in the grasses. Today, both …

[图书][B] The Flowering Plants Handbook: A practical guide to families and genera of the world

JW Byng - 2014 - books.google.com
This plant book aims to help identify flowering plants to genus and family level anywhere in
the world. In 2014 there were very few available works which were both comprehensive and …

[图书][B] Flowering plants of the Neotropics.

N Smith, SA Mori, A Henderson, DW Stevenson… - 2004 - cabidigitallibrary.org
This book covers more than 280 families of plants known to occur in the Western
Hemisphere between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The text describes features of …

Flowering plants: origin and dispersal.

A Takhtajan - 1969 - cabidigitallibrary.org
This work is based on a translation of the author's' The origin of angiospermous plants', but
has been so extensively revised that it is now substantially a new book, dealing in 15 …

Why are there so many species of flowering plants?

GL Stebbins - Bioscience, 1981 - academic.oup.com
This essay is in part a reply to the companion one by Burger and in part supplementary to it.
Since the topic is to a large extent one of taxonomy or systematics—and reflects also the …

Why are there so many kinds of flowering plants?

WC Burger - Bioscience, 1981 - academic.oup.com
Angiosperms and the animals they support have given rise to a terrestrial biota far richer
than any that came before. Insect pollination, effective dispersal systems, diversity of growth …

Evidence for and implications of an herbaceous origin for angiosperms

DW Taylor, LJ Hickey - Flowering plant origin, evolution & phylogeny, 1996 - Springer
For over a century, botanists have speculated on the ancestral morphology of the
angiosperms and on the adaptive characteristics that led to their success. Most discussions …

Origin and evolution of angiosperm flowers

EM Friis, PK Endress - Advances in botanical research, 1990 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary The angiosperms are distinguished from all gymnosperms by their
angiospermy, the inclusion of the developing seeds (the ovules) in carpels. As a …