A review of the importance of mineral nitrogen cycling in the plant-soil-microbe system of permafrost-affected soils—changing the paradigm

E Ramm, C Liu, P Ambus… - Environmental …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
The paradigm that permafrost-affected soils show restricted mineral nitrogen (N) cycling in
favor of organic N compounds is based on the observation that net N mineralization rates in …

Impacts of chronic nitrogen additions vary seasonally and by microbial functional group in tundra soils

SK Schmidt, DA Lipson, RE Ley, MC Fisk, AE West - Biogeochemistry, 2004 - Springer
Previous studies have shown that fertilization with nitrogen depresses overall microbial
biomass and activity in soil. In the present study we broaden our understanding of this …

Soil microbial responses to 28 years of nutrient fertilization in a subarctic heath

LC Hicks, K Rousk, R Rinnan, J Rousk - Ecosystems, 2020 - Springer
Arctic and subarctic soils are typically characterized by low nitrogen (N) availability,
suggesting N-limitation of plants and soil microorganisms. Climate warming will stimulate …

Increased above-and belowground plant input can both trigger microbial nitrogen mining in subarctic tundra soils

LC Hicks, M Yuan, A Brangarí, K Rousk, J Rousk - Ecosystems, 2022 - Springer
Low nitrogen (N) availability in the Arctic and Subarctic constrains plant productivity,
resulting in low litter inputs to soil. Increased N availability and litter inputs as a result of …

Microbial nitrogen and phosphorus co‐limitation across permafrost region

D Zhang, L Wang, S Qin, D Kou, S Wang… - Global Change …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The status of plant and microbial nutrient limitation have profound impacts on ecosystem
carbon cycle in permafrost areas, which store large amounts of carbon and experience …

Warming suppresses microbial biomass but enhances N recycling

W Gao, D Yan - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019 - Elsevier
Temperate grasslands are semi-arid ecosystems where plant growth and productivity are
constrained not only by water, but also by nitrogen (N). However, rising temperatures may …

A frozen feast: Thawing permafrost increases plant‐available nitrogen in subarctic peatlands

F Keuper, PM van Bodegom, E Dorrepaal… - Global Change …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Many of the world's northern peatlands are underlain by rapidly thawing permafrost.
Because plant production in these peatlands is often nitrogen (N)‐limited, a release of N …

Adding depth to our understanding of nitrogen dynamics in permafrost soils

VG Salmon, C Schädel, R Bracho… - Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Losses of C from decomposing permafrost may be offset by increased productivity of tundra
plants, but nitrogen availability partially limits plant growth in tundra ecosystems. In this soil …

Temporal variability in plant and soil nitrogen pools in a high-Arctic ecosystem

RD Bardgett, R van der Wal, IS Jónsdóttir… - Soil Biology and …, 2007 - Elsevier
This study determined temporal variability in N pools, both aboveground and belowground,
across two contrasting plant communities in high-Arctic Spitsbergen, Svalbard (78° N). We …

Interactions between plants, litter and microbes in cycling of nitrogen and phosphorus in the arctic

S Jonasson, J Castro, A Michelsen - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2006 - Elsevier
Estimated nutrient mineralization in northern nutrient-poor ecosystems, measured as
differences in soil inorganic nutrients before and after a period of soil incubation in the …