Kentucky Post-Conviction Remedies and the Judicial Development of Kentucky Rule of Criminal Procedure 11.42

JS Gillig - Ky. LJ, 1994 - HeinOnline
Magna Charta of 1215, which states:" No freeman shall be taken, or imprisoned... but by
lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land."'English common law has long …

Post-Conviction Relief in Tennessee-Fourteen Years of Judicial Administration Under the Post-Conviction Procedure Act

GL Anderson - Tenn. L. Rev., 1980 - HeinOnline
1. Case v. Nebraska, 381 US 336, 344 (1965)(Brennan, J., concurring). Justice Brennan
outlined the type of stete reform needed to minimize state prisoner resort to federal habeas …

Post Conviction Motions Under the Kansas Revised Code of Civil Procedure

JR Foth, AE Palmer - U. Kan. L. Rev., 1963 - HeinOnline
With the effective date of section 60-1507 of Kansas Revised Code of Civil Procedure1 the
specialized area of prison-made habeas corpus litigation heretofore known only to a small …

The Future of Teague Retroactivity, or Redressability, after Danforth v. Minnesota: Why Lower Courts Should Give Retroactive Effect to New Constitutional Rules of …

CN Lasch - Am. Crim. L. Rev., 2009 - HeinOnline
Beginning in 1965, the Supreme Court's decisions on the retroactive application of new
constitutional rules of criminal procedure have presented a" confused and confusing" 1 …

Federal Habeas Corpus: Postconviction Remedy for State Prisoners

CR Reitz - U. Pa. L. Rev., 1959 - HeinOnline
Of all the many dark corners of the law, few are so dimly lit as is the federal habeas corpus
jurisdiction under which federal courts pass upon the constitutional validity of state criminal …

Habeas Corpus Bores a Hole in Prisoners' Civil Rights Actions-An Analysis of Preiser v. Rodriguez

J Flannery - . John's L. Rev., 1973 - HeinOnline
Jurisdictional questions, while not always interesting unto themselves, can have serious
substantive effects. Until recently, both the writ of habeas corpus and the Civil Rights Act of …

The Reagan Administration's Habeas Corpus Proposals

LW Yackle - Iowa L. Rev., 1982 - HeinOnline
" Democracy," said Churchill," means that if the door bell rings in the early hours, it is likely to
be the milkman."'He might have added that if the caller is not the milkman, but a police …

Federal Habeas Corpus and Maryland Post-Conviction Remedies

AJ Merrill - Md. L. Rev., 1964 - HeinOnline
In recent years the Supreme Court's application to the states, through the Fourteenth
Amendment, of concepts of due process of law has radically changed the standard of what is …

Post-Conviction Remedies in the 1970's

HB Eisenberg - Marq. L. Rev., 1972 - HeinOnline
The 1969 revisions of the Wisconsin criminal procedure code1 made significant changes in
the remedies available to individuals convicted of crimes. The new code establishes a new …

Habeas Corpus and the Indigent Prisoner

W Rossmoore, SM Koenigsberg - Rutgers L. Rev., 1956 - HeinOnline
Enshrined in our Anglo-American legal system, and accorded constitutional protection 1 is
the writ of habeas corpus, the historic function of which has been to provide any person …