Anger expression and risk of stroke and coronary heart disease among male health professionals

PM Eng, G Fitzmaurice, LD Kubzansky… - Psychosomatic …, 2003 -
Objective Anger expression is a dimension of anger that may be strongly related to coronary
heart disease and stroke. To date few cohort studies have evaluated the role of anger …

Anger expression and incident stroke: prospective evidence from the Kuopio ischemic heart disease study

SA Everson, GA Kaplan, DE Goldberg, TA Lakka… - Stroke, 1999 - Am Heart Assoc
Background and Purpose—High levels of anger are associated with an increased risk of
coronary heart disease and hypertension, but little is known about the role of anger in stroke …

Anger expression and risk of coronary heart disease: Evidence from the Nova Scotia Health Survey

KW Davidson, E Mostofsky - American heart journal, 2010 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND: Whereas some studies have found that anger increases the risk of incident
coronary heart disease (CHD), others found anger to be protective. Prior studies did not …

Anger and incident heart disease in the Caerphilly study

JEJ Gallacher, JWG Yarnell, PM Sweetnam… - Psychosomatic …, 1999 -
Objective The idea that anger may predict ischemic heart disease (IHD) is more than 30
years old. Some, but not all, prospective studies have supported this suggestion. Attention …

A prospective study of anger and coronary heart disease: the Normative Aging Study

I Kawachi, D Sparrow, A Spiro III, P Vokonas… - Circulation, 1996 - Am Heart Assoc
Background Recent laboratory and epidemiological studies have suggested that high levels
of anger may increase the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods and Results We …

Anger and cardiovascular health.

JM Siegel - 1992 -
Abstract provide an overview of the literature related to anger and cardiovascular disease,
describe the development of an inventory that assesses multiple dimensions of anger …

Hostility, anger control, and anger expression as predictors of cardiovascular disease

A Haukkala, H Konttinen, T Laatikainen… - Psychosomatic …, 2010 -
Objective: To examine in a prospective setting whether different hostility measures, including
Cynical Distrust, Trait Anger, Anger Out, Anger In, and Anger Control, are related to …

Anger expression and incident hypertension

SA Everson, DE Goldberg, GA Kaplan… - Psychosomatic …, 1998 -
Objective It has long been thought that anger is important in the development of essential
hypertension. However, tests of this hypothesis have yielded conflicting findings. This study …

Anger/hostility and cardiovascular disease

JE Williams - International handbook of anger: Constituent and …, 2009 - Springer
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) comprises diseases of the heart and the circulatory system,
of which coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke are major clinical end points. CVD is the …

Neuroendocrine and behavioral mechanisms mediating the relationship between anger expression and cardiovascular risk: Assessment considerations and …

M al'Absi, S Bongard - Journal of behavioral medicine, 2006 - Springer
The hypothesis that intense anger experience may increase risk for or exacerbate
cardiovascular diseases has been under active theoretical and empirical interest for …