Parental Autonomy over Prenatal End-of-Life Decisions

G Donley - Minn. L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
The Supreme Court's abortion jurisprudence is premised upon a conflict: a woman's right to
end her pregnancy and control her body clashes with the state's interest in protecting her …

Parental Consent Abortion Statutes: The Limits of State Power

BF Wand - Ind. LJ, 1976 - HeinOnline
In 1976 the Supreme Court in Planned Parenthood v. Danforth'held unconstitutional a
provision of a Missouri abortion statute2 which required the consent of a parent or person in …

Abortion: the father's rights

RA Gilbert - U. Cin. L. Rev., 1973 - HeinOnline
ABORTION: THE FATHER'S RIGHTS The recent Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade'
allocated the rights in the abortion issue betwe Page 1 NOTES ABORTION: THE FATHER'S …

A Bold Reaffirmation-Planned Parenthood v. Casey Opens the Door for States to Enact New Laws to Discourage Abortion

MH Woltz - NCL Rev., 1992 - HeinOnline
Abortion-the very word stirs deep and intense passions among many Americans1 as well as
bitter animosity between persons on opposing sides of the issue. 2 The names chosen by …

Planned Parenthood v. Casey: Supreme Neglect for Unemancipated Minors' Abortion Rights

L Berman - Howard LJ, 1993 - HeinOnline
3. Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 112 S. Ct. 2791 (1992). 4. Casey, 112 S. Ct. at 2831. The
spousal notification statute provides that, except in cases of medical emergency, a married …

Parent versus child: HL v. Matheson and the new abortion litigation

B Bridge - Wis. L. Rev., 1982 - HeinOnline
The United States Supreme Court's landmark decision in Roe v. Wade1 that a woman has a
constitutional right to an abortion during the first trimester of her pregnancy2 did not …

Fetal Viability and Individual Autonomy: Resolving Medical and Legal Standards for Abortion

LA Cohen - UCLA L. Rev., 1979 - HeinOnline
In its landmark decision in Roe v. Wade'the Supreme Court recognized a right to choose
abortion as a corollary to the fundamental right of privacy. 2 The decision necessarily limited …

The Viability of Parental Abortion Notfication and Consent Statutes: Assessing Fact and Fiction

G Lindsey - Am. UL Rev., 1988 - HeinOnline
Since Roe v. Wade, I the Supreme Court has attempted to define the permissible bounds of
regulation that state legislatures may impose on an individual's right to obtain an abortion. 2 …

Parental Notice in State Abortion Statutes: Filling the Gap in Constitutional Jurisprudence

JC Friedman - Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev., 1997 - HeinOnline
Social ideology controls women's choices in almost every aspect of their lives and every
decision they make. 1 There is perhaps no decision in a woman's life that can change her …

Abortion on Maternal Demand: Paternal Support Liability Implications

GS Swan - Val. UL Rev., 1974 - HeinOnline
John and Jane Doe, say, marry; Jane gets pregnant; John wants the child; Jane doesn't, and
exercises her unqualified prerogative of getting it aborted; and that's that. Now take the …