Estimating global agricultural effects of geoengineering using volcanic eruptions

J Proctor, S Hsiang, J Burney, M Burke, W Schlenker - Nature, 2018 -
Solar radiation management is increasingly considered to be an option for managing global
temperatures,, yet the economic effects of ameliorating climatic changes by scattering …

Climate response to increasing levels of greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols

JFB Mitchell, TC Johns, JM Gregory, SFB Tett - Nature, 1995 -
CLIMATE models suggest that increases in greenhouse-gas concentrations in the
atmosphere should have produced a larger global mean warming than has been observed …

Response of the climate system to atmospheric aerosols and greenhouse gases

KE Taylor, JE Penner - Nature, 1994 -
RECENTLY, Kiehl and Briegleb1 evaluated the radiative forcing associated with the
capacity of atmospheric sulphate aerosols to reflect solar radiation back into space, and …

Impact of changes in diffuse radiation on the global land carbon sink

LM Mercado, N Bellouin, S Sitch, O Boucher… - Nature, 2009 -
Plant photosynthesis tends to increase with irradiance. However, recent theoretical and
observational studies have demonstrated that photosynthesis is also more efficient under …

The influence on climate forcing of mineral aerosols from disturbed soils

I Tegen, AA Lacis, I Fung - Nature, 1996 -
AEROSOLS influence the global radiation budget1, and so changes in the atmospheric
aerosol load due to either natural causes or human activity will contribute to climate …

Could reducing fossil-fuel emissions cause global warming?

TML Wigley - Nature, 1991 -
WHEN fossil fuel is burned, both carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide are added to the
atmosphere. The former should cause warming of the lower atmosphere by enhancing the …

An influence of solar spectral variations on radiative forcing of climate

JD Haigh, AR Winning, R Toumi, JW Harder - Nature, 2010 -
The thermal structure and composition of the atmosphere is determined fundamentally by
the incoming solar irradiance. Radiation at ultraviolet wavelengths dissociates atmospheric …

Direct radiative forcing by anthropogenic airborne mineral aerosols

IN Sokolik, OB Toon - Nature, 1996 -
AIRBORNE mineral dust can have a significant effect on the Earth's radiation budget, as it
can both scatter sunlight back to space (leading to negative radiative forcing), and absorb …

A climate model study of indirect radiative forcing by anthropogenic sulphate aerosols

A Jones, DL Roberts, A Slingo - Nature, 1994 -
ANTHROPOGENIC sulphate aerosols are believed to affect the radiation budget of the Earth
in two ways. Through the direct effect they scatter solar radiation back to space, producing a …

Global surface-temperature responses to major volcanic eruptions

CB Sear, PM Kelly, PD Jones, CM Goodess - Nature, 1987 -
The impacts of pollution resulting from large explosive volcanic eruptions on the
atmospheric heat budget and planetary albedo are not in doubt1, 2. However, the effects of …