Microfluidic nucleic acid analysis

JW Hong, V Studer, WF Anderson, SR Quake… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
Nucleic acid from cells and viruses sampled from a variety of environments may puri? ed
and expressed utilizing micro? u idic techniques. In accordance With one embodiment of the …

Microfluidic devices having isolation pens and methods of testing biological micro-objects with same

MP White, ED Hobbs, JT Nevill, D Malleo… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
A microfluidic device can comprise at least one swept region that is fluidically connected to
unswept regions. The fluidic connections between the swept region and the unswept …

Microfluidic particle-analysis systems

A Daridon - US Patent 8,658,418, 2014 - Google Patents
The invention provides systems, including apparatus, methods, and kits, for the microfluidic
manipulation and/or detection of particles, such as cells and/or beads. The invention …

Analysis using microfluidic partitioning devices

CA Heid, A Daridon - US Patent App. 11/916,025, 2009 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0003) A variety of nucleic acid amplification assays and immunological
assays are used for analysis of cells and nucleic acids. These assays can be used to detect …

Microfluidic particle-analysis systems

HP Chou, A Daridon, K Farrell, B Fowler… - US Patent …, 2007 - Google Patents
The invention provides systems, including apparatus, methods, and kits, for the microfluidic
manipulation and/or detection of particles, such as cells and/or beads. The invention …

Microfluidic particle-analysis systems

HP Chou, A Daridon, K Farrell, B Fowler… - US Patent …, 2008 - Google Patents
The invention provides systems, including apparatus, methods, and kits, for the microfluidic
manipulation and/or detection of particles, such as cells and/or beads. The invention …

Microfabricated integrated DNA analysis system

RA Mathies, R Blazej, C Liu, P Kumaresan… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
Methods and apparatus for genome analysis are provided. A microfabricated structure
including a microfluidic distribu tion channel is configured to distribute microreactor …

Methods for nucleic acid isolation and kits using a microfluidic device and concentration step

RV Parthasarathy, K Ericson, W Bedingham - US Patent 7,939,249, 2011 - Google Patents
4.483, 920 A 1 1/1984 Gillespie et al. 4,539,256 A 9/1985 Shipman 4,565,663 A 1, 1986
Errede et al. 4,619,897 A 10, 1986 Hato et al. 4,726,989 A 2f1988 Mrozinski 4,737,560 A 4 …

Apparatus for in situ concentration and/or dilution of materials in microfluidic systems

JW Parce, AR Kopf-Sill - US Patent 6,149,870, 2000 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Carrying out chemical or biochemical analyses,
syntheses or preparations, even at the simplest levels, requires one to perform a large …

Microfabricated reactor

MA Northrup, RM White - US Patent 5,646,039, 1997 - Google Patents
The present invention relates generally to instruments for chemical reaction control, product
and reactant manipulations, detection of participating reactants and resultant products. and …