The melatonin rhythm: both a clock and a calendar

RJ Reiter - Experientia, 1993 - Springer
The paper briefly reviews the data which shows that the circadian production and secretion
of melatonin by the pineal gland can impart both daily, ie, clock, and seasonal, ie, calendar …

The pineal and melatonin: regulators of circadian function in lower vertebrates

H Underwood - Experientia, 1989 - Springer
The pineal has been identified as a major circadian pacemaker within the circadian system
of a number of lower vertebrates although other pacemaking sites have been implicated as …

The pineal and melatonin: regulators of circadian function in lower vertebrates

H Underwood - Experientia, 1990 - Springer
The pineal has been identified as a major circadian pacemaker within the circadian system
of a number of lower vertebrates although other pacemaking sites have been implicated as …

Melatonin and circadian control in mammals

SM Armstrong - Experientia, 1989 - Springer
Although pinealectomy has little influence on the circadian locomotor rhythms of laboratory
rats, administration of the pineal hormone melatonin has profound effects. Evidence for this …

Central melatonin receptors: implications for a mode of action

PJ Morgan, LM Williams - Experientia, 1989 - Springer
The influence of melatonin on circadian and photoperiodic functions in numerous species is
well documented. It is known that the effect of melatonin on circadian rhythmicity is mediated …

Mammalian pineal melatonin: a clock for all seasons

TJ Bartness, BD Goldman - Experientia, 1989 - Springer
The central role of the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin (MEL) in mammalian
photoperiodic responses is discussed in terms of: 1) evidence for the involvement of MEL in …

Melatonin: presence and formation in invertebrates

B Vivien-Roels, P Pévet - Experientia, 1993 - Springer
In vertebrates, it is now clearly demonstrated that the pineal gland is implicated in conveying
photoperiodic information via the daily pattern of melatonin secretion. Invertebrates, like …

Melatonin receptors: localization, molecular pharmacology and physiological significance

PJ Morgan, P Barrett, HE Howell, R Helliwell - Neurochemistry international, 1994 - Elsevier
A pre-requisite to understanding the physiological mechanisms of action of melatonin is the
identification of the target sites where the hormone acts. The radioligand 2-[125 I] …

Putative melatonin receptors in a human biological clock

SM Reppert, DR Weaver, SA Rivkees, EG Stopa - Science, 1988 -
In vitro autoradiography with 125I-labeled melatonin was used to examine melatonin
binding sites in human hypothalamus. Specific 125I-labeled melatonin binding was …

Melatonin: from seasonal to circadian signal

P Pevet - Journal of neuroendocrinology, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
In mammals, the role of melatonin in the control of seasonality is well documented, and the
sites and mechanisms of action involved are beginning to be identified. The exact role of the …