Geometric determinants of the place fields of hippocampal neurons

J O'Keefe, N Burgess - Nature, 1996 -
THE human hippocampus has been implicated in memory1, in particular episodic2, 3 or
declarative4 memory. In rats, hippocampal lesions cause selective spatial deficits2, 5–7, and …

Comparison of population coherence of place cells in hippocampal subfields CA1 and CA3

I Lee, D Yoganarasimha, G Rao, JJ Knierim - Nature, 2004 -
The hippocampus, a critical brain structure for navigation, context-dependent learning and
episodic memory,,, is composed of anatomically heterogeneous subregions. These regions …

Long-term plasticity in hippocampal place-cell representation of environmental geometry

C Lever, T Wills, F Cacucci, N Burgess, J O'Keefe - Nature, 2002 -
The hippocampus is widely believed to be involved in the storage or consolidation of long-
term memories,,,. Several reports have shown short-term changes in single hippocampal …

Multistability of cognitive maps in the hippocampus of old rats

CA Barnes, MS Suster, J Shen, BL McNaughton - Nature, 1997 -
Hippocampal neurons provide a population code for location. In young rats, environments
are reliably 'mapped'by groups of neurons that have firing locations ('place fields') that can …

Independent rate and temporal coding in hippocampal pyramidal cells

J Huxter, N Burgess, J O'Keefe - Nature, 2003 -
In the brain, hippocampal pyramidal cells use temporal as well as rate coding to signal
spatial aspects of the animal's environment or behaviour. The temporal code takes the form …

Distribution of spatial and nonspatial information in dorsal hippocampus

RE Hampson, JD Simeral, SA Deadwyler - Nature, 1999 -
The hippocampus in the mammalian brain is required for the encoding of current and the
retention of past experience. Previous studies have shown that the hippocampus contains …

Memory for places learned long ago is intact after hippocampal damage

E Teng, LR Squire - Nature, 1999 -
The hippocampus is part of a system of structures in the medial temporal lobe that are
essential for memory,,. One influential view of hippocampal function emphasizes its role in …

Place navigation impaired in rats with hippocampal lesions

RGM Morris, P Garrud, JNP Rawlins, J O'Keefe - Nature, 1982 -
Electrophysiological studies have shown that single cells in the hippocampus respond
during spatial learning and exploration1–4, some firing only when animals enter specific …

Landmark stability is a prerequisite for spatial but not discrimination learning

R Biegler, RGM Morris - Nature, 1993 -
NEURONS sensitive to both place and direction from distinct regions of the hippocampal
formation1–2, allometric relationships between spatial learning and hippocampal structure3 …

Recalibration of path integration in hippocampal place cells

RP Jayakumar, MS Madhav, F Savelli, HT Blair… - Nature, 2019 -
Hippocampal place cells are spatially tuned neurons that serve as elements of a 'cognitive
map'in the mammalian brain. To detect the animal's location, place cells are thought to rely …