Automatic lung health screening using respiratory sounds

H Mukherjee, P Sreerama, A Dhar… - Journal of Medical …, 2021 - Springer
Significant changes have been made on audio-based technologies over years in several
different fields. Healthcare is no exception. One of such avenues is health screening based …

Classification of lung sounds using convolutional neural networks

M Aykanat, Ö Kılıç, B Kurt, S Saryal - EURASIP Journal on Image and …, 2017 - Springer
In the field of medicine, with the introduction of computer systems that can collect and
analyze massive amounts of data, many non-invasive diagnostic methods are being …

Machine learning in lung sound analysis: a systematic review

R Palaniappan, K Sundaraj, NU Ahamed - Biocybernetics and Biomedical …, 2013 - Elsevier
Abstract Machine learning has proven to be an effective technique in recent years and
machine learning algorithms have been successfully used in a large number of applications …

Lung sounds classification using convolutional neural networks

D Bardou, K Zhang, SM Ahmad - Artificial intelligence in medicine, 2018 - Elsevier
Lung sounds convey relevant information related to pulmonary disorders, and to evaluate
patients with pulmonary conditions, the physician or the doctor uses the traditional …

A telemedicine tool framework for lung sounds classification using ensemble classifier algorithms

MM Jaber, SK Abd, PM Shakeel, MA Burhanuddin… - Measurement, 2020 - Elsevier
Telemedicine is one of the medical services related to information exchange tools (eHealth).
In recent years, the monitoring and classification of acoustic signals of respiratory-related …

Diagnosis of pneumonia from sounds collected using low cost cell phones

I Song - 2015 International joint conference on neural networks …, 2015 -
Respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia, cold, flu, and bronchitis, are still the leading
causes of child mortality in the world. One solution for alleviating this problem is developing …

Detection of respiratory sounds based on wavelet coefficients and machine learning

F Meng, Y Shi, N Wang, M Cai, Z Luo - IEEE Access, 2020 -
Respiratory sounds reveal important information of the lungs of patients. However, the
analysis of lung sounds depends significantly on the medical skills and diagnostic …

[HTML][HTML] Respiratory sound classification for crackles, wheezes, and rhonchi in the clinical field using deep learning

Y Kim, YK Hyon, SS Jung, S Lee, G Yoo, C Chung… - Scientific reports, 2021 -
Auscultation has been essential part of the physical examination; this is non-invasive, real-
time, and very informative. Detection of abnormal respiratory sounds with a stethoscope is …

Classification of lung sounds using higher-order statistics: A divide-and-conquer approach

R Naves, BHG Barbosa, DD Ferreira - Computer methods and programs in …, 2016 - Elsevier
Background and objective Lung sound auscultation is one of the most commonly used
methods to evaluate respiratory diseases. However, the effectiveness of this method …

Automatic classification of large-scale respiratory sound dataset based on convolutional neural network

K Minami, H Lu, H Kim, S Mabu… - … and Systems (ICCAS …, 2019 -
Auscultation of respiratory sounds is very important for discovering the respiratory disease.
However, there is no quantitative evaluation method for the diagnosis of respiratory sounds …