Persistence of homology over commutative noetherian rings

LL Avramov, SB Iyengar, S Nasseh, K Sather-Wagstaff - Journal of Algebra, 2022 - Elsevier
We describe new classes of noetherian local rings R whose finitely generated modules M
have the property that Tor i R (M, M)= 0 for i≫ 0 implies that M has finite projective …

Almost finite modules

D Apassov - Communications in Algebra, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
Assume that ϕ (R, m, k)→(S, n, l) is a local homomorphism between commutative noetherian
local rings R and S. We say that an S-module M is almost finite over R if it is finitely …

Localizations of injective modules

KR Goodearl, DA Jordan - Proceedings of the Edinburgh …, 1985 -
The question of whether an injective module E over a noncommutative noetherian ring R
remains injective after localization with respect to a denominator set X⊆ R is addressed.(For …

Hom and Ext, revisited

H Dao, M Eghbali, J Lyle - Journal of Algebra, 2021 - Elsevier
Let R be a commutative Noetherian local ring and M, N be finitely generated R-modules. We
prove a number of results of the form: if Hom R (M, N) has some nice properties and Ext R …

Modules of G-dimension zero over local rings of depth two

R Takahashi - Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 2004 -
Let $ R $ be a commutative noetherian local ring. Denote by $\mod R $ the category of
finitely generated $ R $-modules, and by ${\mathcal G}(R) $ the full subcategory of $\mod R …

[HTML][HTML] On the vanishing of (co) homology over local rings

PA Bergh - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2008 - Elsevier
Considering modules of finite complete intersection dimension over commutative
Noetherian local rings, we prove (co) homology vanishing results in which we assume the …


M Auslander - Selected Works of Maurice Auslander, 1999 -
Throughout this paper we assume that all rings are commutative, noetherian rings with unit
and that all modules are finitely generated and unitary. The main object of study is what it …

Finite modules of finite injective dimension over a Noetherian algebra

S Goto, K Nishida - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2001 -
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let P (R)(respectively, I (R)) be the category of all
finite R-modules of finite projective (respectively, injective) dimension. Sharp [9] constructed …

Representation type of commutative Noetherian rings II: Local tameness

L Klingler, LS Levy - Pacific journal of mathematics, 2001 -
We describe all isomorphism classes of finitely generated Λ-modules, where Λ is any
complete local (commutative noetherian) ring whose category of modules of finite length …

Homological asymptotics of modules over local rings

LL Avramov - Commutative Algebra: Proceedings of a Microprogram …, 1989 - Springer
In this paper we consider the asymptotic behavior of the ranks of the free modules in
resolutions of finitely generated modules, M, over a commutative noetherian ring, R. We …