Use of basketball in extracurricular forms of classes with children of senior school age

ТВ Павлова, МС Бричук, ВВ Єфанова - Науковий часопис …, 2021 -
Pavlova Tetyana, Brichuk Maria, Еfanova Valentina. Use of basketball in extracurricular
forms of classes with children of senior school age. Basketball, as an important means of …

Influence of basketball training on morphological characteristics and motor abilities of younger grades of primary school

G Glišović - Metodička praksa, 2022 -
The aim of this paper was to analyze the impact of basketball training on the morphological
characteristics and motor skills of younger elementary school students. During the study of …

The implementation of basketball means in the recreational activities of student youth

P Slobozhaninov, Y Moseichuk, Y Kurnyshev, I Vaskan… - 2018 -
The article presents the results of the implementation of basketball means into the
recreational activities of students. The study involved 32 young men aged 17-21 years, all of …

Opportunities for evaluation of students learning achievements in the process of basketball taking into account the individual features of the development of the …

П Чен - … університету імені МП Драгоманова. Серія 15 …, 2021 -
Chen Pen. Opportunities for evaluation of students learning achievements in the process of
basketball taking into account the individual features of the development of the organism …

Formation of middle school pupil movements using basketball

G Griban, K Prontenko, Y Kostyuk, P Tkachenko… - 2018 -
The article substantiates the value of basketball in the system of physical education of pupils
as a complex tool for physical development, health promotion, formation of vital skills and …

[PDF][PDF] Complex development of physical characteristics of 11–12-year-old boys using basketball elements for physical education

L Shuba, N Chukhlantseva, V Shuba - Journal of physical education and …, 2018 -
Up to date, the system of physical education, physical culture and sports in Ukraine is in a
crisis condition and can not meet the needs of the population. This situation necessitates …

[PDF][PDF] Особливості застосування міні-баскетболу у фізичному вихованні молодших школярів

РВ Чопик, ВМ Марунчак - НАПРЯМ І РУХОВА АКТИВНІСТЬ …, 2022 -
There are presented the results of the theoretical research on the problem of using the mini-
basketball means for solving the main tasks of physical education of junior schoolchildren. It …

Сonditions for the introduction of physical culture and health classes with elements of basketball for older preschool children

ОВ Сотник, ВІ Романова, ЖГ Сотник - … університету імені МП …, 2022 -
Анотація Розглянуто організаційно-методичні умови впровадження фізкультурно-
оздоровчих занять з елементами баскетболу у закладах дошкільної освіти. Визначено …

[PDF][PDF] Research of the physical development of basketball students from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

I Peltekova - Trakia Journal of Sciences, 2019 -
The article presents the results of the measurements made on the physical development of
students who have chosen basketball as a compulsory discipline. The measurements …


P Mavrudiev, I Hristov - Trakia Journal of Sciences, 2023 -
The aim of the present study is to establish the impact of basketball classes on the physical
development of 14-year-old girls from the basketball club" Toni-7"-Sliven. The subject of …