[HTML][HTML] What is at stake: The relative importance of import barriers, export subsidies, and domestic support

TW Hertel, R Keeney - Agricultural trade reform and the Doha …, 2006 - books.google.com
This chapter provides an estimate of the potential welfare gains from various agricultural and
trade policy reforms under the Doha Development Agenda of the World Trade Organization …

A global analysis of agricultural trade reform in WTO member countries

X Diao, A Somwaru, TL Roe - 2001 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
The effect on production, trade and well-being from the granting of market access, removing
export subsidies, and eliminating trade-distorting forms of direct support to farmers in WTO …

Agricultural tariffs or subsidies: which are more important for developing economies?

B Hoekman, F Ng, M Olarreaga - The World Bank Economic …, 2004 - academic.oup.com
This article assesses the impact of the world price–depressing effect of agricultural subsidies
and border protection in oecd countries on developing economies' exports, imports, and …

OECD domestic support and developing countries

B Dimaranan, T Hertel, R Keeney - … and Challenges for Trade-led Growth, 2004 - Springer
Most studies of global agricultural trade liberalization are primarily focused on market price
support–that is, agricultural support provided indirectly through border measures, either …

[PDF][PDF] Agricultural export restrictions: Welfare implications and trade disciplines

S Mitra, T Josling - Position paper agricultural and rural development …, 2009 - cuts-citee.org
The dramatic commodity price increases seen in 2007 and 2008 triggered a record number
of export restrictions, in particular for rice and wheat, which led in turn to even greater price …

The consequences of agricultural trade liberalization for developing countries: distinguishing between genuine benefits and false hopes

JC Bureau, S Jean, A Matthews - World Trade Review, 2006 - cambridge.org
Recent analyses suggest that the impact of agricultural trade liberalization on developing
countries will be very uneven. The Doha Round focuses on tariff issues, but some …

Agricultural trade and the Doha Round: lessons from commodity studies

JC Beghin, A Aksoy - 2003 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
While global analytical approaches to agricultural trade liberalization yield large gains for
most economies, there are substantial variations in the policy regimes across commodities …

[HTML][HTML] Market and welfare implications of Doha reform scenarios

K Anderson, W Martin… - … trade reform and the …, 2006 - books.google.com
The aims of this chapter are threefold: to summarize, from the preceding chapters and other
material, some likely and some more ambitious scenarios that might emerge as part of an …

Agricultural trade liberalization in the Doha round. Alternative scenarios and strategic interactions between developed and developing countries

P Conforti, L Salvatici - 2004 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
The paper explores the impact of an agricultural trade agreement, simulating alternative
liberalization scenarios, and studying the outcomes of the interaction between the strategies …

Doha merchandise trade reform: What is at stake for developing countries?

K Anderson, W Martin… - The World Bank …, 2006 - academic.oup.com
The linkage model of the global economy and the latest Global Trade Analysis Project (gtap)
database (version 6.05) are used to examine the impact of current merchandise trade …