Happiness: Before and after the kids

M Myrskylä, R Margolis - Demography, 2014 - Springer
Understanding how having children influences parents' subjective well-being (“happiness”)
has great potential to explain fertility behavior. We study parental happiness trajectories …

Happiness and childbearing across Europe

A Aassve, A Goisis, M Sironi - Social indicators research, 2012 - Springer
Using happiness as a well-being measure and comparative data from the European social
survey we focus in this paper on the link between happiness and childbearing across …

Does parenthood increase happiness? Evidence for Poland

A Baranowska, A Matysiak - Vienna Yearbook of population research, 2011 - JSTOR
In the recent decade demographers turned their attention to investigating the effects of
children on self-rated happiness or life satisfaction. The underlying idea of this strand of …

The parenthood happiness puzzle: An introduction to special issue

HP Kohler, L Mencarini - European Journal of Population, 2016 - Springer
Contrary to conventional wisdom, recent studies argue that parenthood is not necessarily
related to higher parental subjective well-being (SWB). However, parenthood remains an …

Children and marital happiness: Why the negative correlation?

LK White, A Booth, JN Edwards - Journal of Family Issues, 1986 - journals.sagepub.com
This study examines the causal processes that lead to the widely observed negative
association between presence of children and marital happiness. Using a nationwide panel …

Partner+ children= happiness? The effects of partnerships and fertility on well‐being

HP Kohler, JR Behrman… - … and development review, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Economic and rational‐choice theories suggest that individuals form unions or have children
because these decisions increase their subjective well‐being or “happiness.” We investigate …

Parental well-being surrounding first birth as a determinant of further parity progression

R Margolis, M Myrskylä - Demography, 2015 - read.dukeupress.edu
A major component driving cross-country fertility differences in the developed world is
differences in the probability of having additional children among those who have one. Why …

Parents Transmit Happiness Along with Associated Values and Behaviors to Their Children: A Lifelong Happiness Dividend?

B Headey, R Muffels, GG Wagner - Social indicators research, 2014 - Springer
There are strong two-way links between parent and child happiness (life satisfaction), even
for 'children'who have grown up, moved to their own home and partnered themselves …

[PDF][PDF] The happiness commonality: Fertility decisions in low-fertility settings

FC Billari - How generations and gender shape …, 2009 - drupal-main-staging.unece.org
Fourth, in contemporary societies parents bear high direct and indirect costs in having and
rearing children. Indirect costs include primarily mother's foregone earnings during …

The role of family orientations in shaping the effect of fertility on subjective well-being: A propensity score matching approach

N Balbo, B Arpino - Demography, 2016 - Springer
This article investigates whether and how having a child impacts an individual's subjective
well-being, while taking into account heterogeneity in family attitudes. People with different …