[HTML][HTML] El megacariocito: una célula muy original

A González-Villalva, P Bizarro-Nevares… - Revista de la Facultad …, 2019 - scielo.org.mx
El megacariocito es la célula más grande de la médula ósea, por lo tanto es relativamente
fácil reconocer su presencia al observar un aspirado o una biopsia de este tejido. Difiere de …

The megakaryocyte: a very original cell

A González-Villalva, P Bizarro-Nevares… - Revista de la …, 2019 - medigraphic.com
The Megakaryocyte is the biggest cell in the bone marrow; therefore, it is easy to recognize
in a bone marrow aspirate. In humans, this cell differs from others because of its size, its …

Megacariopoyesis humana in vitro: determinación de la concentración óptima de trombopoyetina

G Romanelli, S Olivera-Bravo, C Beloso… - Anales de la Facultad …, 2019 - scielo.edu.uy
El estudio de la megacariopoyesis humana se ha visto obstaculizado por la relativa escasez
de megacariocitos en la médula ósea (0, 05-0, 2% de las células medulares), lo que ha …

Megakaryocyte biology

CW Jackson, JT Arnold, TI Pestina… - … , cellular, preclinical, and …, 1997 - Springer
Megakaryocytes are giant, polyploid cells of the hemopoietic tissues, whose final
differentiation step culminates in the subdivision and release of their cytoplasm into the …

Human megakaryocyte biology and pathophysiology

G Zauli, L Catani - Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 1995 - Elsevier
Human megakaryocyte biology and pathophysiology - ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip
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In vitro megakaryocyte culture from human bone marrow aspirates as a research and diagnostic tool

KR Butov, EY Osipova, NB Mikhalkin, NM Trubina… - Platelets, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Megakaryocytes (MKs) are relatively rare in bone marrow, comprising< 0.05% of the
nucleated cells, which makes direct isolation from human bone marrow impractical. As such …

Vías de señalización implicadas en la megacariopoyesis

AE González-Villalva, CI Falcón-Rodríguez… - Gaceta médica de …, 2010 - medigraphic.com
Hematotoxicology has been studied with less interest than other fields associated with
atmospheric pollution. There is limited knowledge about on the effects that certain …

Growth of human megakaryocyte colonies in culture from fetal, neonatal, and adult peripheral blood cells: ultrastructural analysis.

W Vainchenker, J Guichard, J Breton-Gorius - Blood cells, 1979 - europepmc.org
Megakaryocyte colonies can be grown in culture from human blood cells and fetal liver cells
in plasma clot containing erythropoietin. Megakaryocyte progenitors were found in a fraction …

Signaling pathways involved in megakaryopoiesis

AE González-Villalva, CI Falcón-Rodríguez… - Gaceta Médica de …, 2010 - europepmc.org
Hematotoxicology has been studied with less interest than other fields associated with
atmospheric pollution. There is limited knowledge about on the effects that certain …

Isolation of primary megakaryocytes and studies of proplatelet formation

RM Leven - Platelets and Megakaryocytes: Volume 1: Functional …, 2004 - Springer
Bone marrow megakaryocytes were first described well over one hundred years ago (1, 2)
and it is almost one hundred years since their role in platelet formation was first appreciated …