Food security in Australia in an era of neoliberalism, productivism and climate change

G Lawrence, C Richards, K Lyons - Journal of Rural Studies, 2013 - Elsevier
For over 150 years Australia has exported bulk, undifferentiated, commodities such as wool,
wheat, meat and sugar to the UK and more recently to Japan, Korea, and the Middle East. It …

Changes in Australian agriculture and land use: implications for future food security

J Millar, J Roots - International journal of agricultural sustainability, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Food security debates have only recently emerged in Australia with the prediction that
Australia's population could reach 35 million by 2050. In a country with limited productive …

Food security and the justification of productivism in New Zealand

C Rosin - Journal of Rural Studies, 2013 - Elsevier
The spike in food commodity prices in 2007–2008 is frequently represented as a crisis for
the global food system. Interpreted as a failure to achieve the utopian imperative to feed the …

Doubling food production to feed the 9 billion: a critical perspective on a key discourse of food security in the UK

I Tomlinson - Journal of rural studies, 2013 - Elsevier
Within the emergent international policy arena of 'food security', the imperative to double
global food production by 2050 has become ubiquitous. This statistic, as well as a revised …

Food security in welfare capitalism: Comparing social entitlements to food in Australia and Norway

C Richards, U Kjærnes, J Vik - Journal of Rural Studies, 2016 - Elsevier
The concept of food security is often anchored in popular understandings of the challenge to
produce and supply enough food. However, decades of policies for intensive agriculture …

Sustaining the unsustainable: agro-food systems and environment in the modern world

FH Buttel - Handbook of rural studies, 2006 -
For more than two decades scholars, policymakers and citizens groups have employed and
debated the notion of agricultural sustainability. There is general agreement that …

[PDF][PDF] The future of South Africa's food system: What is research telling us

LM Pereira - SA Food Lab South Africa, 2014 -
The vitally important provision of food through the food system is not a simple linear process,
but a contested outcome of a complex system. This systematic literature review was …

Implementing and maintaining neoliberal agriculture in Australia-Part II: Strategies for securing neoliberalism

B Pritchard - The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture …, 2005 -
Australia is the world's leading advocate for neoliberal agriculture, and dominant opinion in
the Australian Government interprets the adoption of neoliberalism as a triumph of rational …

The impacts of deregulation and agricultural restructuring for rural Australia

F Vanclay - Australian Journal of Social Issues, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
As a leader in the Cairns Group of Nations, Australia has been advancing deregulation in
agri‐food trade. Successive governments have assumed that Australia would benefit from a …

Contesting the neoliberal project for agriculture: Productivist and multifunctional trajectories in the European Union and Australia

J Dibden, C Potter, C Cocklin - Journal of rural studies, 2009 - Elsevier
The liberalisation of agricultural trade is strongly contested as an international policy project.
In the context of the current World Trade Organisation (WTO) Doha trade round, concerns …