Firearms and Initial Aggressors

C Lee - NCL Rev., 2022 - HeinOnline
INITIAL AGGRESSORS* CYNTHIA LEE" Under the initial aggressor doctrine, a person who …

Armed not militarized: Achieving real police militarization

G Rivera - Berkeley J. Crim. L., 2015 - HeinOnline
On August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed
Michael Brown, an unarmed black eighteen-year old. Brown's dead body lay in the street for …

The Post-Truth First Amendment

SC Haan - Ind. LJ, 2019 - HeinOnline
In February 2018, a teenager killed seventeen people with an AR-15 rifle at a Parkland,
Florida high school, prompting calls for gun reform.'Soon afterward, an aide to a Florida …

In Guns We Entrust: Targeting Negligent Firearms Distribution

DP Rosner - Drexel L. Rev., 2018 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT On October 26, 2005, Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in
Arms Act (PLCAA), an immunity statute that broadly shields gun manufacturers, distributors …

Gun Control and the Color of the Law

AL Granse - Law & Ineq., 2019 - HeinOnline
In August of 2017, then-St. Paul, Minnesota mayoral candidate Melvin Carter's home was
burglarized. A lockbox containing two firearms he had inherited from his father, a retired St …

Clash of the first and Second Amendments: Proposed regulation of armed protests

KE DeBoer - Hastings Const. LQ, 2017 - HeinOnline
A man with a bandana over his face and a long AR-15 rifle in hand gathered with
approximately a dozen other people outside of the Islamic Center of Irving, Texas, to protest …

Triggered: mass shootings, smart gun technology and the search for solutions

AW Metzler - J. High Tech. L., 2018 - HeinOnline
Anthony W. Metzler I. Introduction April 2, 2018.2 Five teenagers are featured on the cover of
TIME magazine.3 They stand for un Page 1 TRIGGERED: MASS SHOOTINGS, SMART GUN …

Open-carry: Open-conversation or open-threat

D Horwitz - First Amend. L. Rev., 2016 - HeinOnline
Before the Republican National Convention in July of 2016, a Change. org 1 petition with
over 50,000 2 signatures demanded that open-carry 3 firearms be allowed at the convention …

Outgunned No More?: Reviving a Firearms Industry Mass Tort Litigation

LS Mullenix - Sw. L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT In November 2019, the United States Supreme Court denied certiorari in
Remington Arms Co. v. Soto, on appeal from the Supreme Court of Connecticut. In so doing …

From Garner to Graham and beyond: Police liability for use of deadly force-Ferguson case study

KJ Jacob - Chi.-Kent L. Rev., 2016 - HeinOnline
At approximately noon on Saturday, August 9, 2014, an unarmed black teenager was shot to
death by a white police officer in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri. The details of …