Hippocampal place codes are gated by behavioral engagement

NL Pettit, XC Yuan, CD Harvey - Nature neuroscience, 2022 - nature.com
As animals explore an environment, the hippocampus is thought to automatically form and
maintain a place code by combining sensory and self-motion signals. Instead, we observed …

Experience-dependent contextual codes in the hippocampus

MH Plitt, LM Giocomo - Nature neuroscience, 2021 - nature.com
The hippocampus contains neural representations capable of supporting declarative
memory. Hippocampal place cells are one such representation, firing in one or few locations …

Recalibration of path integration in hippocampal place cells

RP Jayakumar, MS Madhav, F Savelli, HT Blair… - Nature, 2019 - nature.com
Hippocampal place cells are spatially tuned neurons that serve as elements of a 'cognitive
map'in the mammalian brain. To detect the animal's location, place cells are thought to rely …

Context-dependent representations of objects and space in the primate hippocampus during virtual navigation

RA Gulli, LR Duong, BW Corrigan, G Doucet… - Nature …, 2020 - nature.com
The hippocampus is implicated in associative memory and spatial navigation. To investigate
how these functions are mixed in the hippocampus, we recorded from single hippocampal …

Intracellular dynamics of hippocampal place cells during virtual navigation

CD Harvey, F Collman, DA Dombeck, DW Tank - Nature, 2009 - nature.com
Hippocampal place cells encode spatial information in rate and temporal codes. To examine
the mechanisms underlying hippocampal coding, here we measured the intracellular …

Long-term dynamics of CA1 hippocampal place codes

Y Ziv, LD Burns, ED Cocker, EO Hamel, KK Ghosh… - Nature …, 2013 - nature.com
Using Ca2+ imaging in freely behaving mice that repeatedly explored a familiar
environment, we tracked thousands of CA1 pyramidal cells' place fields over weeks. Place …

Multiple maps of the same spatial context can stably coexist in the mouse hippocampus

L Sheintuch, N Geva, H Baumer, Y Rechavi, A Rubin… - Current biology, 2020 - cell.com
Hippocampal place cells selectively fire when an animal traverses a particular location and
are considered a neural substrate of spatial memory. Place cells were shown to change their …

How vision and movement combine in the hippocampal place code

G Chen, JA King, N Burgess… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 - National Acad Sciences
How do external environmental and internal movement-related information combine to tell
us where we are? We examined the neural representation of environmental location …

Manipulating hippocampal place cell activity by single-cell stimulation in freely moving mice

M Diamantaki, S Coletta, K Nasr, R Zeraati, S Laturnus… - Cell reports, 2018 - cell.com
Learning critically depends on the ability to rapidly form and store non-overlapping
representations of the external world. In line with their postulated role in episodic memory …

[HTML][HTML] Subcircuits of deep and superficial CA1 place cells support efficient spatial coding across heterogeneous environments

F Sharif, B Tayebi, G Buzsáki, S Royer… - Neuron, 2021 - cell.com
The hippocampus is thought to guide navigation by forming a cognitive map of space.
Different environments differ in geometry and the availability of cues that can be used for …