Singular equivalences to locally coherent hearts of commutative noetherian rings

M Hrbek, S Pavon - Journal of Algebra, 2023 - Elsevier
We show that Krause's recollement exists for any locally coherent Grothendieck category
whose derived category is compactly generated. As a source of such categories, we …

Hearts of t-structures in the derived category of a commutative Noetherian ring

C Parra, M Saorin - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2017 -
Let $ R $ be a commutative Noetherian ring and let $\mathcal D (R) $ be its (unbounded)
derived category. We show that all compactly generated t-structures in $\mathcal D (R) …

Hearts for commutative Noetherian rings: torsion pairs and derived equivalences

S Pavon, J Vitória - Documenta Mathematica, 2021 -
Over a commutative noetherian ring R, the prime spectrum controls, via the assignment of
support, the structure of both Mod (R) and D (R). We show that, just like in Mod (R), the …

Telescope conjecture for homotopically smashing t-structures over commutative noetherian rings

M Hrbek, T Nakamura - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2021 - Elsevier
We show that any homotopically smashing t-structure in the derived category of a
commutative noetherian ring is compactly generated. This generalizes the validity of the …

t-Structures and cotilting modules over commutative noetherian rings

L Angeleri Hügel, M Saorín - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2014 - Springer
For a commutative noetherian ring\(R\), we establish a bijection between the resolving
subcategories consisting of finitely generated\(R\)-modules of finite projective dimension …

Complete intersections and derived categories

DJ Benson, JPC Greenlees - arXiv preprint arXiv:0906.4025, 2009 -
We propose a definition of when a triangulated category should be considered a complete
intersection. We show (using work of Avramov and Gulliksen) that for the derived category of …

Bounded derived categories of infinite quivers: Grothendieck duality, reflection functor

J Asadollahi, R Hafezi, R Vahed - Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 2015 -
We study bounded derived categories of the category of representations of infinite quivers
over a ring is a commutative noetherian ring with a dualising complex, we investigate an …

[PDF][PDF] Generators in Grothendieck categories with right perfect endomorphism rings

T Albu, R Wisbauer - 1991 -
It is well-known that Grothendieck categories need not have projective objects (eg [12],
18.12). However, projective objects can be obtained from certain finiteness conditions. By a …

On locally coherent hearts

M Saorín - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2017 -
Let G be a locally coherent Grothendieck category. We show that, under particular
conditions, if a t-structure τ in the unbounded derived category D (G) restricts to the bounded …

Grothendieck groups and tilting objects

I Reiten, M Van den Bergh - Algebras and representation theory, 2001 - Springer
Let C be a connected Noetherian hereditary Abelian category with a Serre functor over an
algebraically closed field k, with finite-dimensional homomorphism and extension spaces …