Finite mixture, zero-inflated Poisson and hurdle models with application to SIDS

ML Dalrymple, IL Hudson, RPK Ford - Computational Statistics & Data …, 2003 - Elsevier
This study examines the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in Canterbury
(1973–1989) in relation to climate. Three mixture models (Finite Mixture, Zero-inflated …

Fitting mixtures of von Mises distributions: a case study involving sudden infant death syndrome

JA Mooney, PJ Helms, IT Jolliffe - Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2003 - Elsevier
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) exhibits a seasonal pattern with a winter peak. This
pattern is not symmetric. It rises rapidly to a winter peak before falling more slowly to a dip in …

Seasonality in the sudden infant death syndrome

C Osmond, M Murphy - Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 1988 - Wiley Online Library
Distinctive epidemiological features of the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) are its age
at death distribution and pronounced winter excess. Whether or not these effects are …

Sudden infant death syndrome and environmental temperature: an analysis using vital statistics.

MF Murphy, MJ Campbell - Journal of Epidemiology & Community …, 1987 -
We examined the relation between the daily numbers of deaths ascribed to sudden infant
death syndrome (SIDS)(n= 6226) and daily temperature in England and Wales over the five …

Sudden infant death syndrome in Sweden, 1983–1990: season at death, age at death, and maternal smoking

B Haglund, S Cnattingius… - American journal of …, 1995 -
Several risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) have been consistently
reported, while results regarding seasonally and age at death of SIDS victims are conflicting …

The development of a model for predicting infants at high risk of sudden infant death syndrome in Tasmania

ET d'Espaignet, T Dwyer, NM Newman… - Paediatric and …, 1990 - Wiley Online Library
A statutory 'Notification of Birth'form, containing obstetric and perinatal information, has been
routinely collected for Tasmanian deliveries since 1974. For the period 1980 to 1984, birth …

Sudden infant deaths in Tasmania, 1980–1986: a seven year prospective study

ND McGlashan - Social science & medicine, 1989 - Elsevier
This investigation was carried out by questionnaire to parents of SIDS cases and two
controls for each case and aimed to follow up the fact that Tasmania has been shown to …

Epidemiology of SIDS and explained sudden infant deaths

CEA Leach, PS Blair, PJ Fleming, IJ Smith… - …, 1999 -
Objectives. To establish whether epidemiologic characteristics for sudden infant death
syndrome (SIDS) have changed since the decrease in death rate after the “Back to Sleep” …

Sudden infant death syndrome: epidemiological comparisons between South Australia and communities with a different incidence.

SM Beal - Australian paediatric journal, 1986 -
Comparison of perinatal, environmental and infant care factors in communities with different
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) incidences could reveal ways of reducing SIDS …

Heat stress and sudden infant death syndrome incidence: a United States population epidemiologic study

JR Scheers-Masters, M Schootman, BT Thach - Pediatrics, 2004 -
Objectives. To determine the role of heat stress in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) by
examining the SIDS rates during periods of extreme environmental temperatures in a period …