[HTML][HTML] Role of NaV1. 6-mediated persistent sodium current and bursting-pacemaker properties in breathing rhythm generation

CA da Silva, CJ Grover, MCD Picardo, CA Del Negro - Cell reports, 2023 - cell.com
Inspiration is the inexorable active phase of breathing. The brainstem pre-Bötzinger complex
(preBötC) gives rise to inspiratory neural rhythm, but its underlying cellular and ionic bases …

Role of persistent sodium current in mouse preBötzinger complex neurons and respiratory rhythm generation

RW Pace, DD Mackay, JL Feldman… - The Journal of …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Breathing movements in mammals depend on respiratory neurons in the preBötzinger
Complex (preBötC), which comprise a rhythmic network and generate robust bursts that form …

Kinetic properties of persistent Na+ current orchestrate oscillatory bursting in respiratory neurons

T Yamanishi, H Koizumi, MA Navarro… - Journal of General …, 2018 - rupress.org
The rhythmic pattern of breathing depends on the pre-Bötzinger complex (preBötC) in the
brainstem, a vital circuit that contains a population of neurons with intrinsic oscillatory …

Interdependence of cellular and network properties in respiratory rhythm generation

RS Phillips, NA Baertsch - Proceedings of the National …, 2024 - National Acad Sciences
How breathing is generated by the preBötzinger complex (preBötC) remains divided
between two ideological frameworks, and a persistent sodium current (INaP) lies at the heart …

Outward Currents Contributing to Inspiratory Burst Termination in preBötzinger Complex Neurons of Neonatal Mice Studied in Vitro

RA Krey, AM Goodreau, TB Arnold… - Frontiers in neural …, 2010 - frontiersin.org
We studied preBötzinger Complex (preBötC) inspiratory interneurons to determine the
cellular mechanisms that influence burst termination in a mammalian central pattern …

State-dependent contribution of the hyperpolarization-activated Na+/K+ and persistent Na+ currents to respiratory rhythmogenesis in vivo

G Montandon, RL Horner - Journal of Neuroscience, 2013 - Soc Neuroscience
How rhythms are generated by neuronal networks is fundamental to understand rhythmic
behaviors such as respiration, locomotion, and mastication. Respiratory rhythm is generated …

Sodium and calcium current-mediated pacemaker neurons and respiratory rhythm generation

CA Del Negro, C Morgado-Valle, JA Hayes… - Journal of …, 2005 - Soc Neuroscience
The breathing motor pattern in mammals originates in brainstem networks. Whether
pacemaker neurons play an obligatory role remains a key unanswered question. We …

Respiratory rhythm generation: preBötzinger neuron discharge patterns and persistent sodium current

DR McCrimmon, A Monnier, K Ptak, G Zummo… - Frontiers in Modeling …, 2001 - Springer
Neurons within the preBötzinger complex (pBc) are postulated to have a central role in
respiratory rhythm generation. This postulate is supported by studies using both in vitro and …

Development of pacemaker properties and rhythmogenic mechanisms in the mouse embryonic respiratory network

M Chevalier, N Toporikova, J Simmers… - Elife, 2016 - elifesciences.org
Breathing is a vital rhythmic behavior generated by hindbrain neuronal circuitry, including
the preBötzinger complex network (preBötC) that controls inspiration. The emergence of …

Trpm4 ion channels in pre-Bötzinger complex interneurons are essential for breathing motor pattern but not rhythm

MCD Picardo, YK Sugimura, KE Dorst, PS Kallurkar… - PLoS …, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Inspiratory breathing movements depend on pre-Bötzinger complex (preBötC) interneurons
that express calcium (Ca2+)-activated nonselective cationic current (I CAN) to generate …