Adjoint functors and equivalences of subcategories

FC Iglesias, J Gómez-Torrecillas, R Wisbauer - Bulletin des sciences …, 2003 - Elsevier
For any left R-module P with endomorphism ring S, the adjoint pair of functors P⊗ S− and
HomR (P,−) induce an equivalence between the categories of P-static R-modules and P …

Static modules and equivalences

By a well known theorem of K. Morita, any equivalence between full module categories over
rings R and S, are given by a bimodule RPS, such that RP is a finitely generated projective …

[PDF][PDF] Representable equivalences are represented by tilting modules

G D'Este, D Happel - … del Seminario Matematico della Università di …, 1990 -
Finally, let B and 8 be two rings, let 9 be a full subcategory of left R-modules closed under
direct sums and factor modules, let be a full subcategory of left S-modules containing ss and …

[PDF][PDF] Endomorphism rings and category equivalences

JL Garcia, M Saorin - Journal of Algebra, 1989 -
The use of category equivalences for the study of endomorphism rings stems from the Morita
theorem. In a sense, this theorem can be viewed as stating that if P is a finitely generated …

[HTML][HTML] Derived equivalences of functor categories

J Asadollahi, R Hafezi, R Vahed - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2019 - Elsevier
Let Mod-S denote the category of S-modules, where S is a small pre-additive category.
Using the notion of relative derived categories of functor categories, we generalize Rickard's …

Equivalenze rappresentabili tra categorie di moduli

A Orsatti - Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di …, 1990 - Springer
In this paper we expose some recent results (see References) on equivalences between
categories of modules. Let A e R be two rings, DA and GR subcategories of Mod-A and Mod …

Representable dualities between finitely closed subcategories of modules

RNS MacDonald - Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 1979 -
This paper studies dualities (or contravariant category equivalences) between two
categories of R-right and S-left modules which are finitely closed) that is, closed under …

Weakly tilting bimodules

E Gregorio, A Tonolo - 2001 -
Tilting modules arose from representation theory of algebras and are known to furnish
equivalences between categories of modules. We single out some weaker properties which …

On a natural duality between Grothendieck categories

F Castano-Iglesias - Communications in Algebra®, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
A right R-module M with endomorphism ring S is called a costar module if it induces the
duality between the class of MR-torsionless right R-modules X with Hom R (X, MR) finitely …

Morita equivalence based on contexts for various categories of modules over associative rings

L Marin - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 1998 - Elsevier
In this paper we consider the subcategories CMod-R (M∈ MOD-R st M∼-HomR (R, M)) and
DMod-R (M∈ MOD-R st M⊗ RR∼-R) of the category of all right R-modules, MOD-R, for an …