RDAG GALRINHO - umfcd.ro
Bolile cardiovasculare continuă să reprezinte o problemă majoră de sănătate publică la
nivel global. Prevalența totală în Europa a pacienților care au raportat în Registrul Social …

Viabilitatea miocardică--diagnostic şi implicaţii terapeutice.

L Lupaşcu, BA Popescu… - Romanian Journal of …, 2010 - search.ebscohost.com
Folosirea tot mai largă a terapiei trombolitice, a intervenţiilor coronariene percutane și a
antitromboticelor tot mai potente, au contribuit la scăderea mortalităţii și a morbidităţii …

Структурно-функціональний стан серця у хворих із серцевою недостатністю, які перенесли інфаркт міокарда, залежно від проведеної реперфузії

NV Savchuk, IP Vakaliuk - Likars' ka sprava, 2017 - liksprava.com
Abstract Evaluation method of revascularization after one month showed the superiority of
percutaneous coronary intervention over conservative therapy by reducing the dilation of the …

Cardiology in the XXI Century

WI Is - The Future of Life and the Future of our Civilization, 2006 - books.google.com
Ischemic heart disease is a leading cause of mortality in our planet in XXI century, the
greatest problem of modern cardiology. Although infarct size limitation remains a highly …

[PDF][PDF] Cardiovascular reparative and regenerative medicine: state-of-the-art

R Sanz-Ruiz, F Fernández-Avilés - … Cardiology (English Ed), 2020 - recintervcardiol.org
Therapies for the management of heart failure have been responsible for the great benefit
experienced by the population in terms of hope and quality of life. However, they are nothing …

Elements conditioning the severity of myocardial infarction damage

G Trevi, I Sheiban, R Gorni - Cardiologia (Rome, Italy), 1994 - europepmc.org
The severity of myocardial damage following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is essentially
influenced by the duration of coronary flow interruption during the acute episode …

Novel methods in diagnostics and therapy Tissue engineering in regeneration therapy for the heart

ŁA Małek, L Chojnowska, W Rużyłło - Advances in Interventional …, 2007 - termedia.pl
Wprowadzenie nowoczesnego leczenia choroby wieńcowej za pomocą farmakoterapii i
zabiegów inwazyjnych na tętnicach wieńcowych doprowadziło z jednej strony do wzrostu …

Coronary revascularization in post-infarction patients

F Tarr, G Lakos, T Lónyai, I Tomcsányi, T Sugár… - Orvosi …, 1991 - europepmc.org
Authors report the type of revascularization, the result of noninvasive and invasive
investigations carried out 6-9 months after surgery, improvement of functional status of 56 …

Remodeling of the left ventricle after myocardial infarction

E Droździak, W Piwowarska - Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski: Organ …, 1996 - europepmc.org
Cardiac remodeling following myocardial infarction denotes changes of left ventricular
shape, chamber size and wall thickness. It involves both the infarcted and the noninfarcted …

Assessment of myocardial viability in postinfarction and indications of revascularization

W Zouaoui, H Ouldzein, D Carrie - Annales de Cardiologie et D' …, 2008 - europepmc.org
Following myocardial infarction, it is indispensable to investigate the viability of the
myocardium when signs of left ventricular dysfunction are predominant, so as to distinguish …