[PDF][PDF] The Topological Center of the Banach Algebra UCl (K)

GOLRA KAMYABI - 2007 - sid.ir
Let K be a (commutative) locally compact HYPERGROUP with a left Haar measure. Let L1
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GS Mustafaev - pdmi.ras.ru
140 GS MUSTAFAEV V to zametke v osnovnom rassmatrivaets klass banahovyh algebr, vl
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Amenable locally compact groups | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ
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[引用][C] The analogue of the group algebra for topological semigroups

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[引用][C] The topological centre of a compactification of a locally compact group

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One of the most important semigroup compactifications of a locally compact group G is the~
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[引用][C] On the set of invariant means

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The study of the cardinality and the structure of the set of invariant means was initiated by
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[引用][C] Some aspects of abstract harmonic analysis

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DZINOTYIWEYI (semitopologieal) semigroup S we mean a semigroup S endowed with a
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[引用][C] Approximations of positive contractions onL∞ [0,1]

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This note is a continuation of [51. We follow the notation and terminology of [5]. Let (X,~,#)
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[引用][C] Module maps over locally compact quantum groups and regularity properties

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[引用][C] о вполНЕ НЕПРЕРЫВНОСТИ НЕКОТОРОГО КЛАССА БАНАХОВЫХ АЛГЕБР 0. Введение. Пусть А банахова алгебра над полем комплексных чисел.

ГС Мустафаев - Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov …, 2001 - Nauka, S.-Peterburgskoe otd-nie