The impact of employment of part-time surgeons on the expected surgeon shortage

B Satiani, TE Williams, CE Ellison - Journal of the American …, 2011 -
Background The trend for choosing to work part-time (PT) in medicine is increasing. We
hypothesize that strategies to employ PT surgeons and prolong the duration of practice …

Ten-year reassessment of the shortage of general surgeons: Increases in graduation numbers of general surgery residents are insufficient to meet the future demand …

EC Ellison, TM Pawlik, DP Way, B Satiani, TE Williams - Surgery, 2018 - Elsevier
Background In 2008, we projected that a deficit in the general surgical workforce would grow
to 19% by 2050. We reexamined population-based general surgical workforce projections to …

Why are some medical specialists working part-time, while others work full-time?

JD de Jong, P Heiligers, PP Groenewegen… - Health policy, 2006 - Elsevier
Although medical specialists primarily work full-time, part-time work is on the increase, a
trend that can be found worldwide. This article seeks to answer the question why some …

A contemporary reassessment of the US surgical workforce through 2050 predicts continued shortages and increased productivity demands

WM Oslock, B Satiani, DP Way, RM Tamer… - The American Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Background We aimed to predict practicing surgeon workforce size across ten specialties to
provide an up-to-date, national perspective on future surgical workforce shortages or …

Part-time and full-time medical specialists, are there differences in allocation of time?

JD de Jong, P Heiligers, PP Groenewegen… - BMC Health services …, 2006 - Springer
Background An increasing number of medical specialists prefer to work part-time. This
development can be found worldwide. Problems to be faced in the realization of part-time …

Projecting surgeon supply using a dynamic model

EP Fraher, A Knapton, GF Sheldon, A Meyer… - Annals of …, 2013 -
Objective: To develop a projection model to forecast the head count and full-time equivalent
supply of surgeons by age, sex, and specialty in the United States from 2009 to 2028 …

Population analysis predicts a future critical shortage of general surgeons

TE Williams Jr, EC Ellison - Surgery, 2008 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND: The nation's population grew from 227,000,000 to 282,000,000 between
1980 and 2000. By 2050, the population will be 420,000,000, an increase of 50%. Between …

Commentary: The right time to rethink part-time careers

VA Palda, W Levinson - Academic Medicine, 2009 -
The demand for part-time academic positions is bound to increase because of the changing
demographics of medicine and the needs of both women and men faculty. One of the main …

Trends in general surgery workforce data

AC Powell, D McAneny, EF Hirsch - The American journal of surgery, 2004 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND: During the past 25 years, there has been much debate about general
surgical workforce supply and demand. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, concern was …

Career paths in diagnostic radiology: scope and effect of part-time work

JD Chertoff, CE Bird, BC Amick - Radiology, 2001 -
PURPOSE: To determine the extent and consequences of part-time work in radiology.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A survey was mailed to 1,500 male and 1,500 female …