[HTML][HTML] The Polyelectrolyte Nature of F-actin and the Mechanism of Actin Bundle Formation (∗)

JX Tang, PA Janmey - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1996 - ASBMB
Polymerized (F-) actin is induced to form bundles by a number of polycations including
divalent metal ions, Co (NH), and basic polypeptides. The general features of bundle …

Opposite effects of electrostatics and steric exclusion on bundle formation by F-actin and other filamentous polyelectrolytes

JX Tang, T Ito, T Tao, P Traub, PA Janmey - Biochemistry, 1997 - ACS Publications
A number of positively charged polypeptides and proteins bundle DNA, F-actin,
microtubules, and viruses such as filamentous phage fd and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), as …

The effects of Mg2+ at the high-affinity and low-affinity sites on the polymerization of actin and associated ATP hydrolysis.

MF Carlier, D Pantaloni, ED Korn - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1986 - ASBMB
Actin contains a single high-affinity cation-binding site, for which Ca2+ and Mg2+ can
compete, and multiple low-affinity cation-binding sites, which can bind Ca2+, Mg2+, or K+ …

[引用][C] The binding of divalent cations to actin

A Martonosi, CM Molino, J Gergely - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1964 - Elsevier
Great effort has been spent in recent years on the investigation of certain aspects of actin
polymerization, such as the dephosphorylation of adenosine triphosphate during G to F …

Tightly-bound divalent cation of actin

JE Estes, LA Selden, HJ Kinosian… - Journal of Muscle …, 1992 - Springer
Actin is known to undergo reversible monomer-polymer transitions that coincide with various
cell activities such as cell shape changes, locomotion, endocytosis and exocytosis. This …

Probing actin polymerization by intermolecular cross-linking.

R Millonig, H Salvo, U Aebi - The Journal of cell biology, 1988 - rupress.org
We have used N, N'-1, 4-phenylenebismaleimide, a bifunctional sulfhydryl cross-linking
reagent, to probe the oligomeric state of actin during the early stages of its polymerization …

[HTML][HTML] Nucleotide exchange, structure, and mechanical properties of filaments assembled from ATP-actin and ADP-actin.

TD Pollard, I Goldberg, WH Schwarz - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1992 - Elsevier
Actin monomers with bound ATP, ADP, or fluorescent analogues of these nucleotides
exchange the nucleotide on a second time scale, whereas filaments assembled from each of …

Mechanism of K+-induced actin assembly.

JD Pardee, JA Spudich - The Journal of cell biology, 1982 - rupress.org
The assembly of highly purified actin from Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae and rabbit
skeletal muscle by physiological concentrations of KCI proceeds through successive stages …

Structural dynamics of F-actin: II. Cooperativity in structural transitions

A Orlova, E Prochniewicz, EH Egelman - Journal of molecular biology, 1995 - Elsevier
A large body of biochemical evidence suggests that the F-actin filament can have internal
cooperativity. We have observed large cooperative effects on the low-resolution structure of …

Actin-bundling proteins

JJ Otto - Current opinion in cell biology, 1994 - Elsevier
Actin filaments exist in three spatial arrays in cells: single filaments, meshworks or isotropic
gels, and bundles. The formation of actin meshworks or bundles requires the presence of …